
  • 网络China Experience;Chinese experience
  1. 战略成熟度因素探索:基于中国经验的实证分析

    Exploring the Strategic Readiness Factors : Positive Researches Based on Chinese Experience

  2. 法律援助的中国经验

    Chinese Experience in Legal Aid

  3. 货币化、货币流通速度与产出&扩展的CIA约束与中国经验

    Monetization , Velocity and Output : Modified CIA Constraint and China 's Experience

  4. 全球贸易治理可参照中国经验,视区域经济一体化FTA为全球多边贸易治理机构WTO的试验区。

    Similarly , Economic Integration ( FTA ) should be regarded as an experimental area of the global multilateral trade governance institutions ( WTO ) .

  5. 本文在CES效用函数理论模型的基础上,使用中国经验数据和计量分析工具,实证考察了历次消费税政策变动对应税消费品的消费影响。

    Based on the theoretical model of CES utility function , this paper used the experience data and metrological tools , and empirically investigated the consumption effect on the taxable goods , with the changing of excise .

  6. 由金融抑制到金融深化的路径选择&国际比较与中国经验

    The study of the path choice from financial repression to deepening

  7. 民族法制的中国经验及其贡献

    China 's Experience and its Contribution towards Legal System on Nationality

  8. 企业家能力与企业成长:基于中国经验的实证研究

    Entrepreneurial Competence and Enterprises ' Growth : An Empirical Study in China

  9. 企业制度反应策略模式研究:中国经验

    The Research on Firm 's Institutional Response Strategy & Evidence from China

  10. 企业政治策略形成影响因素&中国经验

    The Determinants of Corporate Political Strategy : An Empirical Examination in China

  11. 动态能力的测量与功效:基于中国经验的实证研究

    Measuring and Efficiency of Dynamic Capabilities : An Empirical Study in China

  12. 生态人类学国外视野与中国经验:一个文献综述

    International Perspectives and China 's Experiences in Eco-anthropology : A Review of Literature

  13. 企业增长的决定因素&中国经验

    The Determinants of Enterprise Growth : Experiences from China

  14. 地方性知识的迷障:音乐的中国经验及其艺术人类学价值

    Puzzle of Local Knowledge : Chinese Experiences of Music and Its Value in Art Anthropology

  15. 玩具品牌塑造的中国经验

    China 's Experience on Brand Creation

  16. 中国经验为世界范围日益成长的生态系统市场在实施和产出方面提供了借鉴。

    China 's experiences provide insight into the implementation and outcomes for evolving ecosystem markets worldwide .

  17. 中国经验是马克思主义在当代中国最重要的话语权。

    " China Experience " is the most important right of discourse of Marxism in contemporary China .

  18. 转型中的分权与公共品供给:基于中国经验的实证研究

    Fiscal Decentralization and Public Goods Supply in Economic Transition : Empirical Study Based on Evidence from China

  19. 在研究后现代公共行政理论时,应切入现实的中国经验。

    In the research for postmodern public administration , the actual Chinese experiences should be paid attention to .

  20. 中国经验与中国知识的存在形态,主要包括文本性存在、生命性存在和过程性存在。

    It is also their foundation . They exist mainly in the form of the text and the being and the process .

  21. 中国经验的厚重、广博与多样性决定了此种表述,以及中国研究本土化的必要性与可能性。

    The depth , breadth and variety of Chinese experiences dictate the necessity and possibility of such representation and the localization of Sinology .

  22. 五是阐明了中国经验研究对促进当代文学的发展和文学理论建设具有积极的作用和意义。

    To clarify the " China experience " of promoting the development of contemporary literature and literary theory-building role and significance of a positive .

  23. 论文的许多发现为理解R&D不易观测的关键因素提供了基于中国经验的独特的实证视角。

    All these discoveries provided a unique empirical prospect for understanding the unobservable key factors of R & D determinants based on the Chinese experience .

  24. 如何看待全球化、如何以中国经验来影响全球化,乃是中国的现代性研究的重要内容。

    How to perceive globalization and how to influence it with Chinese experience are no doubt important aspects in the study of China 's modernity .

  25. 完全照搬西方概念来分析中国经验的研究方法必然导致对中国经验的片面理解和误解。

    It is unsuitable to analyze " China Experience " completely according to the West concept , otherwise , " China Experience " might be unilaterally apprehended or even misconceived .

  26. 西方学者和国内学界都在关注中国经验,可是对于中国经验的性质和内涵的认识却是模糊的。

    Western scholars and Chinese academic community all pay attention to " China Experience ", but their cognition of the character and connotation of " China Experience " is fuzzy .

  27. 在几个因素加上韩飞龙案使得尽职调查更难进行的同时,上述具有丰富中国经验的调查员表示,业内还存在其他问题。

    While several factors along with the Humphrey case have made due diligence a tougher business , the investigator with extensive China experience said there were other problems in the industry .

  28. 这就是张氏的独有能力,利用象徵意义和比喻与绘画形式融合,令他成为一位中国经验的伟大演绎者,在同辈中脱颖而出。

    It is Zhang 's unique ability to fuse painterly form with symbolism and metaphor that has established him as one of the great interpreters of Chinese experience of his generation .

  29. 二是在对中国经验的界定中对其理论内涵和外延进行分析,并对中国经验的表现特征和表达方式特点进行归纳。

    The second is the " China experience " as defined in the connotation and extension of their theory analysis , and the " China experience " performance characteristics and expression characteristics of induction .

  30. 第5章是机理分析,结合货币政策相关理论和中国经验数据,从多个视角分析了我国货币政策对区域经济影响的具体作用机理。

    In chapter 5 , we combine the corresponding theory of monetary policy with the regional economic data in China and analyze the specific mechanisms of regional effects of monetary policy in China in multiple perspectives .