
  • 网络Chinese real estate;China Properties
  1. 可到头来,这个占地面积大约是纽约中央公园(CentralPark)3倍的巨大项目,既体现出中国房产市场的过度建设,也突显出该市场近期的急转直下。

    Instead , the enormous project , which is about three times the size of New York 's Central Park , exemplifies both the excesses and more recent sharp downturn in China 's property market .

  2. 张所遭遇的这种不幸并不少见,中国房产热潮造就了一个失落的单身汉阶层。

    Zhang 's misfortune is not uncommon . China 's housing boom has created a woefully frustrated class of bachelors .

  3. 目前情况下,中国房产市场没有泡沫,因为在绝对的西方意识中没有房产市场。

    As things stand now , there can be no property market bubble in China , because there is no property market in the strict Western sense .

  4. 防止中国房产泡沫的最有效方式就是缩紧投资权,尤其是缩紧海外来华投资。

    The best way to prevent a housing bubble burst in China is to squeeze out the investment interest , especially the oversea interest , from the housing market .

  5. 与之匹敌的中国房产投机商,包括经济学家谢安迪,他相信低储蓄率使家庭借钱投资房产来规避通涨。

    Fellow China-property bears include economist Andy Xie , who believes low savings rates led households to borrow in order to invest in property as a way of beating inflation .

  6. 2008年,随着中国房产市场开始下滑,同类债券(当时市场上只有寥寥几只中国房产企业发行的债券)的价格曾跌至发行价的50%以下。

    In 2008 , when there were only a few Chinese property bonds in the market , bond prices slumped to below 50 cents on the dollar as the mainland housing market started to implode .

  7. 中国房产市场迄今没有大宗的开发商收购交易,但某种程度的整合已开始出现,拥有更稳定资金来源的较大型企业已经扩张,而规模较小的企业则步履维艰。

    There have been no big acquisitions of developers in the Chinese property market , but some consolidation has begun to occur as larger companies with more stable funding have expanded , while smaller players have struggled .

  8. 我们一直在招会讲汉语的经纪人,还开始和中国的房产经纪公司建立关系。

    We have been recruiting Mandarin-speaking agents and have launched affiliations with brokers in China .

  9. 尽管如此,中国的房产行业不会像很多发达国家那样糟糕。

    However , China 's housing bust is not as serious as those in many developed economies .

  10. 当然,中国私有房产的销售对象是富裕的精英阶层,而不是普通劳动者。因此,衡量住房可承受能力的传统指标可能并不适用。

    Of course , private property in China is geared towards the rich elite , not the common worker , so traditional measures of housing affordability may not be appropriate .

  11. 中国有许多房产开发商是小型和私有企业。

    Many property developers in China are small and privately owned .

  12. 很多人害怕中国过热的房产市场崩盘,留下一堆无法支撑的债务。

    Many fear that China 's overstretched property market will collapse , leaving insupportable debts in its wake .

  13. 在中国,很多房产都是用现金购置的,因此,用现金买车并不被视为不同寻常的事情。

    In China , many homes are purchased with cash , so buying a car with cash is not considered unusual .

  14. 6月9日,华尔街日报侧耳倾听了一番后发表说“中国巨大的房产泡沫也许正在爆破”。

    On June 9th the Wall Street Journal put its ear to the ground and declared that " the great property bubble of China may be popping . "

  15. 一批主要由国有银行组成的银行采取措施,对建筑商恒大地产集团给予支持,这是中国庞大的房产行业经历动荡的最新迹象。控制该集团的是有着复杂人生经历的亿万富翁许家印。

    The move by a group of mainly state-run banks to bolster the builder , Evergrande Real Estate Group , which is controlled by the colorful billionaire Hui Ka Yan , is the latest sign of tumult in China 's sprawling housing sector .

  16. 廖岷表示,尾随次贷危机而来的美国经济低迷和美元急剧贬值带来的影响更为严重,加速热钱流入中国,造成房产泡沫和通胀率上升。

    Mr Liao said the US downturn and the steep fall in the value of the US dollar that followed in the wake of the crisis has had a much greater impact , exacerbating hot money flows into China and contributing to asset bubbles and rising inflation .

  17. 上海可能是中国第一个征收房产税的城市。

    Shanghai may be the first city in China to impose a property tax .

  18. 但目前还很难说中国买家对马来西亚房产的兴趣何时会恢复。

    But it 's difficult to tell how quickly Chinese appetite for Malaysian homes could recover .

  19. 中国高校基建与房产管理模式的反思与重构

    Rethinking and reconstruction of higher education institutions ' infrastructure construction and house property management mode in China

  20. 这已经不是淘宝第一次被用来向中国富人出售海外房产。

    This is not the first time that Taobao has been used to sell overseas properties to wealthy Chinese .

  21. 另一位官员估计,目前中国有5万家房产企业,有必要让市场力量发挥作用,起到适者生存的效果。

    A second official estimated that there were 50,000 property companies in China and that it was important for the market to work out the survival of the fittest .

  22. 北京一位不愿透露姓名的地产咨询师说,当前要销售马来西亚的房产会有些尴尬,就好比他们不会向中国客户销售日本房产一样。

    ' For now , marketing homes in Malaysia is going to be a bit awkward . It 's just like how we don 't market homes in Japan to Chinese customers , ' said one Beijing-based real estate consultant , who declined to be named .

  23. 中国市场的环境分析,其中包括中国的宏观环境分析,中国房地产行业的分析,及中国目前房产中介市场的现状分析。

    The analysis of the market environment in China , including the macro-environment analysis , the real estate industry analysis and the real estate market analysis .