
  1. 简要地回顾美国图书馆自动化系统(LAS)的发展历史,介绍美国LAS市场现状,包括市场收入、高校图书馆、公共图书馆和中小学校图书馆LAS市场。

    The paper briefly introduces the history of the library automation system ( LAS ) in America and its current development of the LAS market . Then the paper analyzes the market income , and the LAS of university libraries , public libraries and medium and small school libraries .

  2. 然而随着图书数量和种类的不断扩充,图书的管理工作已经使传统的手工管理方式显得力不从心;同时图书的不断扩充也对中小学校的图书馆面积提出了严峻的考验。

    However , with the number and variety of books continues to expand , library management has made the traditional manual management appeared to be inadequate .