
  • 网络Project of software development;software development project
  1. 软件开发项目错误跟踪系统的设计与实现

    Design of Defect Tracking System in Project of Software Development

  2. 为了优化软件开发项目不同阶段的资产,管理人员可以按项目和用户跟踪使用情况,从而获得成本数据。

    To optimize assets at varying stages of the project of software development , the managers can get cost-accounting data by tracking usage by project and user .

  3. 基于Agent的软件开发项目管理方法与应用研究

    Research on Agent-Based Method in Software Project Management and Application

  4. 对软件开发项目团队来说,人员相依性、团队发展状况、团队沟通、C型冲突与人员满意显著正相关;

    In software development project teams , the organization environment has no significant effect on team performance .

  5. 我强烈建议需要在软件开发项目中采用XML序列化和反序列化的开发人员考虑使用Simple。

    I highly recommend that developers who require XML serialization and deserialization within their software development initiatives consider Simple for that purpose .

  6. 他已经为许多金融和半政府机构管理过javaEE/RUP软件开发项目。

    He has managed Java EE / RUP software development projects for a number of financial and semi-government institutions .

  7. XML模式代表数据或信息模型,因此是所有软件开发项目中的关键工件。

    An XML schema represents the data or information model and , hence , is a key artifact in every software development effort .

  8. PG公司软件开发项目的质量管理问题研究

    A Study on the Quality Management of Software Projects in PG Company

  9. 基于ISO9000和CMM的关键实践的应用软件开发项目监理规范

    Standard of Applied Software Development Project Surveillance Base ISO9000 and CMM Key Practice

  10. 要想达到有效的处理,任何一个软件开发项目――基于Linux或者不是――都需要在术语、处理和目标上达到共识。

    To proceed efficiently , any software development project Linux-based or not requires a shared understanding of terminology , processes , and goals .

  11. 我知道你可以在某些软件开发项目上有效地使用XP。

    I knew that you could use XP quite effectively on certain software development projects .

  12. 统一建模语言(UML)在全世界范围内,成为软件开发项目方面广泛采用的交流标准。

    The Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) has become a very widely adopted communication standard for software development projects around the world .

  13. Scrum的支持者声称它适用于所有规模的软件开发项目。

    Scrum proponents claim great success applying it to software development projects of all sizes .

  14. 以智能JIT管理软件开发项目为研究背景,阐述基于多Agent的JIT软件构架的研究问题。

    Based on the research of intelligent JIT management in the development project , the JIT software framework is introduced based on multi-agent .

  15. Jane非常像软件开发项目中我们的客户,是对软件应用程序的最终交付感兴趣的人。

    Jane is much like our customer in a software development project , who is interested in the final delivery of our software application .

  16. 书中讨论的概念都是独立于技术和框架的,因此它们可以应用在任何基于Java,.Net或者其他技术的软件开发项目中。

    The concepts discussed in the book are technology and framework independent so they can be applied in any software development project based on Java , . NET or other technologies .

  17. 值得提到的是在此工作中的用例模型所扮演的重要角色与在任何基于RUP的软件开发项目中一样。

    It is worth mentioning the central role played by the use-case model in this work as in any RUP-based software development project .

  18. 本文将会回顾在遵循RUP提供的指导方针的情况下,一个健壮的参考体系结构在软件开发项目中的作用。

    This article will review the role that a strong reference architecture can play in software development projects , following the guidelines provided in the RUP .

  19. 这些问题与RUP“开发一个远景”行为(初始阶段出现的,在软件开发项目的开始时)保持一致。

    These questions are consistent with the RUP " develop a vision " activity that takes place during the Inception phase , at the beginning of a software development project .

  20. XP极限编程方法适用于小规模软件开发项目,但它的很多方法也是值得借鉴,可用来解决我们软件开发过程中存在的问题。

    Extreame programming ( short for XP ) suits for small software development project , which has many methods in application and deals with some problems during software development .

  21. 大部分企业都至少具有一个非RUP工作产品作为软件开发项目的一部分&例如,Post-ImplementationReview。

    Most organizations have at least one non-RUP work product that they are expected to produce as part of any software development project & a Post-Implementation Review , for example .

  22. 介绍了UML的基本概念,总结和分析了UML在客户订单管理系统中建模的过程与方法,对面向对象的软件开发项目有一定的指导作用。

    The basic concept of UML is introduced . The process and method of UML modeling in the customer 's order management system are summarized . It has certain guidance functions for the development of the object-oriented software development projects .

  23. “V1:敏捷团队”的目标是,为用户提供快捷、便利、功能强大的工具,用来对软件开发项目进行计划和跟踪。

    Our goal with V1 : Agile Team is to provide customers a quicker , easier and more powerful way to plan and track a software development project .

  24. 然而,实际上如果不放在一个实际的软件开发项目环境中,将UCM描述为优于其它变更管理过程是没有实际意义的。

    Therefore , it is actually meaningless to describe UCM as better than other change management processes without doing so in the context of an actual software development project .

  25. 在另一项研究中,Standish组织报告,每年被取消的软件开发项目花费了组织550亿美金。

    In another study , The Standish Group reports that canceled software development projects cost organizations US $ 55 billion dollars annually .

  26. STQ公司的软件开发项目管理方法研究

    Study on Methods and Application of Software Development Project Management in the STQ Company

  27. Trac的网页指出,“Trac是一个用于软件开发项目的wiki和问题跟踪系统”,但是它同样适用于跟踪管理请求。

    According to its Web page ," Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects ," but it works equally well for administration requests .

  28. 为满足这四种业务需求,许多公司求助于异地分布式开发(GDD)模型,作为他们用于软件开发项目的IT策略的一部分。

    To address these four business requirements , many companies are turning to a geographically distributed development ( GDD ) model as part of their IT strategy for software development projects .

  29. 以集成供应链管理(ISCM)软件开发项目为背景,研究企业动态联盟中的3种关系管理模式的软件构架。

    Based on research and development of integrated supply chain management ( ISCM ) system , the software architecture of three relation management patterns involved in enterprise dynamic alliance is focused on .

  30. 为了评估我们的方法的成本/收益的权衡,我们称其为PBR-UP,我们在一个小的软件开发项目环境中做了一个案例研究(一个基于对象的信息系统)。

    To evaluate the cost / benefit tradeoff of our approach , which we call PBR-UP , we performed a case study in the context of a small software development project ( an object-oriented information system ) .