
  1. 他突然心血来潮,停下来走进图书馆。

    On a sudden impulse , he stopped and went into the library .

  2. 一个男人走进图书馆借一本关于自杀的书。

    A man goes into a library and asks for a book on suicide .

  3. 我像以往为白人跑腿一样走进图书馆,但我感觉自己会不知何故地出差错暴露自己。

    I entered the library as I had always done when on errands for whites , but I felt that I would somehow slip up and betray myself .

  4. 越来越多的大学生走进图书馆、利用图书馆,也让图书馆继学生宿舍之后成为了开展德育教育的重要场所。

    More and more university students enter and use the library , which causes the library to become the important place of developing moral education as well as the dormitory .

  5. 图书馆要以人为本,吸引更多的读者走进图书馆,方便地利用图书馆的文献信息资源。

    The library service should be based on the people for absorbing more readers to enter the library and use the literature information resources of the library in a convenience way .

  6. 电影中有一个这样的穿帮镜头:当迈克在图书馆外的时候,外面并没有圆柱。可当他走进图书馆,从里面望出去时,却有根柱子立在那里。

    One of the goofs in this film : When Mike is outside the library , there are no columns outside , but when he enters , the shot from inside the library shows one .

  7. 帕维斯基教授说,当你走进图书馆时,你匆匆走过一座座书架,都来不及浏览架上图书的书脊,但是当你走出图书馆时,你会立刻在微博上@你的好友们,并写到“我今天又读了100本书!”

    When you go to the library , you don 't walk along the shelves looking at the spines of the books and on your way out tweet to your friends , ' I read 100 books today ! , " Pawelski said .

  8. 我看见李雷走进了图书馆。

    I saw Li Lei go into the library .

  9. 我象以往为白人跑腿借书时一样走进了图书馆。

    I entered the library as I had always done when on errands for whites .

  10. 无论我什么时候走进教室,图书馆或阅览室,都会有许多学生用不同的语言大声地,清晰地朗读课文。

    Whenever I go to the classroom , the library or the reading room , there are many students outside reading loud and clearly text books in various languages .

  11. 网络化促使图书馆走进网络,实体图书馆逐渐消亡,未来的图书馆将是虚拟图书馆。

    Networking makes libraries into the Network era . Traditional Libraries will disappear gradually . Libraries will be virtual ones in the future .

  12. 这就像走进一个大图书馆,唯一的区别是,这是更好,因为所有成员也有类似的兴趣,即互联网业务。

    It is like walking into a big library , the only difference is that this is better because all the members have similar interest ie Internet business .