
  • 网络OUT OF THE DARK;Out of Darkness;Coming Out of the Dark
  1. 挪威首相延斯·斯托尔滕贝格(JensStoltenberg)表示,挪威人民一定能够找到走出黑暗的道路。

    The Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said the Norwegian people would find their way through the darkness .

  2. 嗯,某个能够带领我们走出黑暗的人。

    Well , somebodywho 's gonna lead our people outta the darkness .

  3. 诺贝尔物理学奖使量子光学走出黑暗

    Nobel physics prize brings quantum optics out of dark

  4. 引领弱者走出黑暗的山谷。

    Shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness .

  5. 走出黑暗,迎向光明。

    Out of the darkness and into the light .

  6. 终究会走出黑暗,那邪恶也会被平和的阳光杀死。

    I will walk out from the darkness ; evil will be killed by the peaceful sunshine .

  7. 一支来自非现实世界的、陌生恐怖、令人不安、颇具话题感的法西斯军团神秘现身,成群结队走出黑暗深渊;

    an otherworldly , xenophobic and unsettlingly topical-feeling Fascist brigade materializes and multiplies out of yawning darkness ;

  8. 走出黑暗和软坐在轿车我领进了许多人充满了明亮的房间。

    Out of a dark and soft-seated limousine I am ushered into a bright room filled with many people .

  9. 第一个音节是“黑暗”之意,第二则是“光明”。走出黑暗,迎向光明。

    The first means " darkness , " the second means " light . " Out of the darkness and into the light .

  10. 孩子们抬头四望,看到乌云上面,有永恒的庄严,引导他们,带领他们走出黑暗。

    And the children looked and saw above the clouds the Everlasting Glory , and it guided them and brought them beyond the darkness .

  11. 所以坚持住,把你的手给主耶稣,他会带你走出黑暗,走入光明和快乐的新生活。

    Just hold on give your hands to Jesus , He will take you through the darkness into the new life full of light and Joy .

  12. 让我能够成为这个统一的,民主的,没有种族歧视,没有性别歧视的南非的第一任总统,并且领导我们的国家走出黑暗的低谷。

    as the first President of a united , democratic , non-racial and non-sexist South Africa , to lead our country out of the valley of darkness .

  13. 仍然有很多台面下的活动正在进行中,肯定会带领我们走出黑暗,进进新世界,我们都已经被设想周到。

    There is still a lot of under-the-covers activities going on , but leading us out of the darkness and into the new world we have all envisioned .

  14. 据网站介绍,这个项目是该游乐园一年一度的万圣节之旅的一部分,并向游客们保证“在走出黑暗和可怕的坟墓前,他们会忘记刚才的经历”。

    The ride is part of the amusement park 's annual Halloween Fest , with this particular ride promising visitors the " experience being buried alive alone , before fighting their way out of their dark and eerie grave , " according to the website .

  15. 卡莱尔认为任何时代都需要英雄,而维多利亚时代的诸多弊端则是急需一位贤明的君主英雄带领人民走出黑暗和混乱,他由此呼吁社会创造条件让英雄行使他们的责任。

    Carlyle believed that any age called for heroes , while Victorian society in urgent need of a wise hero as king to lead people out of misery and confusion , he then ventured to call on the society to create conditions for heroes to exercise their responsibilities .

  16. 她们快步走出了黑暗,显得那么纯洁,乐观。

    On they sped out of the darkness , perfect , glorious .

  17. 我们取得了进步,是因为我们对指引我们走出最黑暗的暴风雨的核心原则笃信不疑。

    But we made progress because of our belief in those core principles , which have served as our compass through the darkest of storms .

  18. 由于我们尝过南北战争和种族隔离的苦水,走出了那个黑暗时代并变得更加坚强和团结,我们不能不相信昔日的仇恨终有一天会成为过去;

    and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation , and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united , we cannot help but belive that the old hatreds shall someday pass ;

  19. 她走出房间,在黑暗中循着哭泣的声音,绕过墙角,穿过一扇扇门,

    She left her room , and in the darkness followed the crying sound , round corners and through doors ,

  20. 这种情形从先秦经两汉,一直到魏晋时期,人们的身体才终于走出了历史的黑暗之域,其自身的自然属性才得到人们的关注。

    The body walked out from the darkness of history finally through pre-Qin to Han dynasty and its natural property was paid more attention in Wei-Jin periods .

  21. 同性恋文学也在前期铺垫的基础上悄然发展着,不知不觉中走出了自闭的黑暗王国,展现出了欲与异性恋主流派平分秋色的姿态。

    Gay literature which is also quietly developing on the basis of early bedding , imperceptibly gets out of the closed " dark kingdom ", and shows the attitude of a desire has equal shares with heterosexual mainstream .