
  • 网络The Smuggler;traffickers
  1. 更糟糕的是,许多与会者口袋里都偷偷装着苹果(Apple)iPhone手机和谷歌(Google)的安卓(Android)设备,活脱脱一副走私贩的摸样。

    And , worse , that many of the attendees also had apple ( AAPL ) iPhones and Google ( GOOG ) Android devices stashed in their pockets , like contraband .

  2. 他的祖上都是渔夫和走私贩

    He comes from a long line of fishermen and smugglers .

  3. 对…采取严厉措施海关人员制裁走私贩。

    The customs officers cracked down on smugglers .

  4. 电影主人公面临的移民听证会、走私贩和贫穷正是现在许多移民所经历的。

    They face immigration hearings , smugglers and poverty , just like many migrants today .

  5. 这么说你是个走私贩

    You mean you were a smuggler ?

  6. 经过之前的通关考验,所有的走私贩同意接受荷西成为走私队新成员。而荷西与贾西亚终于碰面了。

    Don Jose is introduced to Garcia and accepted as a new member of the gang by the other smugglers .

  7. 为满足这一市场需求,缅甸一些走私贩开始猎捕并驯化为数不多的野生大象。

    To meet this demand , smugglers in Myanmar capture and tame wild elephants from the country 's shrinking herds .

  8. 因法律规定大象在满8岁之前不用登记,这一漏洞为走私贩创造了机会。

    Elephants don 't have to be registered there until they are eight years old , creating an opportunity for smuggling .

  9. 大象遭走私贩陷阱捕捉后被残暴对待,直到驯化后再被越境贩卖。

    The young elephants are caught in pit-traps , cruelly beaten to break their spirits and then smuggled across the border .

  10. 丹格先生,我代表纽约警方感谢你帮助我们抓获了那名危险的枪支走私贩。

    So , Mr. Dang , on behalf of the NYPD , I 'd like to thank you for helping us take down a dangerous gun smuggler .

  11. 当黑杰克1953年第一次见到他未来的女婿时,并不在乎自己虚假的血统,反而瞧不起前爱尔兰走私贩、美国参议员的儿子,并称呼肯尼迪“该死的杰克”。

    When Black Jack first met his prospective son-in-law in 1953 , despite his own invented nobility he looked down on the former Irish bootlegger turned US senator 's son calling Kennedy a " goddamn Mick . "

  12. 现实生活中,个人与国家间义利冲突的表现多种多样,如全局利益与局部利益的冲突、纳税与交税的脱走私贩私等等。

    In the practical life , the conflicts between justice and benefit of individual and government are varied , such as , the conflict of the whole interests to sectional interests , the conflicts on taxes , smuggling and so on .

  13. 无死角的聚光灯从最顶层的政客办公室打到最底层的走私贩和妓女,成就了这部独一无二的道德伦理大戏,几百万人命悬一线,而事件所涉人物的真实面孔令人唏嘘。

    It 's this wide-ranging spotlight , drifting from the highest levels of political office down to lowly bootleggers and prostitutes , that makes the show something special , offering up morality plays that hold the lives of millions at stake , while putting an actual face on those being affected . 19 .