
  • 网络The Caverns of Time;Caver of Time
  1. 接下来的问题是,这个资料片中是否有与时光之穴相关的新内容。

    Next up I asked him whether or not Caverns of Time would make an appearance in this expansion .

  2. “时光守护者”声望较高的玩家将可以方便地传送到“时光之穴”。

    Players in good standing with the faction will be granted ease of passage to the Caverns of Time .

  3. 我们计划让它(时光之穴副本)对每个人来说都尽可能地便利,但是你依然还是需要足够的声望(当然很容易弄到手)才能使用它。

    We plan to make it as easily accessible to everyone as possible , but you will still need to get a sufficient amount of reputation ( easily gained ) before being able to use it .