
  • 网络time-temperature equivalence principle;TTS;ttsp;Time-temperature correspondence principle
  1. 同时在动态条件下研究了聚丙烯腈溶液的动态粘弹性能,通过时温等效原理计算了不同分子量聚丙烯腈溶液的活化能,结果表明聚丙烯腈溶液的表观活化能E。

    This paper also studied the dynamic viscoelastic properties of polyacrylonitrile solutions under dynamic rheological test and calculated activation energy of PAN solutions with different molecular weight by time-temperature equivalence principle .

  2. 可以根据时温等效原理来衡量胶水长时间后的老化效应;

    The aging effect of adhesive can be measured based on the time-temperature equivalence principle .

  3. 由时温等效原理按Arrhenius移位因子得到基准温度下的拉伸模量主曲线。

    A master curve of tensile modulus is obtained through the equivalence principle of time and temperature , using the Arrhenius shift factor .

  4. 根据热粘弹流变理论和时温等效原理,以广义Maxwell模型模拟高温下熔融光纤玻璃的粘弹特性,建立了光纤耦合器熔融拉锥过程热粘弹数值分析模型;

    Based on thermal rheological theory and time-temperature equivalent principle , the generalized Maxwell model was used to simulate viscoelastic characteristic of fused optical fiber glass . The thermal viscoelastic model of fiber coupler in the process of fused biconical taper was set up .

  5. 分子量不同结构相似的聚合物有相同的温度依赖性,根据时温等效原理生成与温度无关的(η/η0~η0(?)

    Polymers with similar structure and different molecular weight have the same dependence on temperature .

  6. 基于时温等效原理,由不同温度下测得的低频材料动力学参数值预测了某一温度下高频范围内的值。

    The material 's parameters were obtained for a broad range of temperatures by using the time-temperature equivalence rule .

  7. 利用人工加速湿热老化实验数据,采用阿累尼乌斯方程外推法和时温等效原理初步预测了硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料在贮存条件为20℃5、0%RH下的贮存寿命分别为20.1a和34.4a。

    It was predicted that the store lifetime was 20.1 years by Arrhenius law and 34.4 years by time-temperature superposition at 20 and 50 % RH , respectively .

  8. 引入在高温下岩石性能分析中得到了验证的时温等效原理,为火灾高温后混凝土力学性能与温度、时间的耦合关系寻找理论依据。

    The time-temperature equivalence principle verified on rock creep is imported to search theoretic gist for the relation between the mechanical performance of concrete material after fire and the temperature and the undergoing time .

  9. 用时-温等效原理(WLF方程)研究短纤维/橡胶复合材料的动态力学性能

    Dynamic properties of short fiber reinforced rubber composites by time-temperature superposition principle

  10. 岩石时-温等效原理的理论与实验研究&第二部分:岩石时-温等效原理主曲线与移位因子

    Theoretical and experimental study on time-temperature equivalent principle for rock

  11. 花岗岩时-温等效原理的进一步验证

    Further verification of time-temperature equivalence for granite

  12. 由于推进剂药柱是粘弹性材料,本文对推进剂的力学松弛特性、线粘弹性力学模型、线粘弹性叠加理论、时&温等效原理、压强的影响、推进剂极限特性都做了充分论述。

    Discussions for propellant mechanical relaxation , linear viscoelastic models , linear viscoelastic accumulative theory , time-temperature equivalent theory and limit properties are discussed fully , because the solid propellant is a typical viscoelastic material .