
shí jī
  • time base
时基[shí jī]
  1. 流媒体是指在Internet中使用流式传输技术的连续时基媒体,其关键技术是流式传输。

    The critical technology of stream media in Internet / Intranet is continual time base media and stream transmission .

  2. 利用GPS技术提供的高精度标准时基,研制了电力系统相角变送器,实现了相角直接精确测量。

    A phasor measurement device was developed by using the time base of high accuracy supplied by the global positioning system ( GPS ) .

  3. 在求解变量无非负约束且含有等式约束的完全型区间线性规划问题时基B稳定起着关键作用。

    B stability plays a key role in solving fully interval linear programming problem that has equality constraints and have no conditions for variables .

  4. 指出了时基555外接RC元件,可形成多种用途的电路;

    Time-based 555 has superior performance , which can connect RC component and form various circuits of multiple function .

  5. 该焊机采用“无源引弧器”引弧,引入CMOS、时基、大功率开关等集成电路进行弧焊自动控制。

    Welding machine control unit is equiped with no power source arc start unit , CMOS , and high power switch .

  6. PMAC时基控制在椭圆形零件磨削加工中的应用

    Application of PMAC Time-base Method in Grinding of Elliptic Parts

  7. 基于GNSS时基的数据融合时间对准算法

    Algorithm of Time-alignment for Multi-sensor Data Fusion Based on GNSS ′ s Time-base

  8. PMAC运动控制器及其时基控制的应用

    PMAC Controller and the Use of Time-base Control Function

  9. 在全数字化并联UPS系统中,由于定时器的最小时基的限制,系统的同步控制精度低。

    The resolution limiting of synchronization control precision , in the fully digital parallel-connected UPS system , is imposed by the hardware timer .

  10. PMAC时基控制的应用

    Application of PMAC Tine - based Control

  11. 基于PMAC时基控制的椭圆形零件的高速精密磨削

    High - speed Precision Grinding of Elliptic Parts Based on PMAC Time - base Control

  12. JMF(Java媒体框架)是Java语言的扩展,专门用来处理时基媒体数据和实时媒体流。

    JMF ( java media framework ) is the extension of Java language , it especially works on the time-based media and real-time media streams .

  13. PMAC时基控制应用当小波包基的分解尺度增大时,均衡器的收敛速度也随之加快。

    The Application of Time-base Control Based on PMAC If the decomposition scale increases , the convergence speed can be further expedited .

  14. VTR的时基误差校正

    Time Base Error Correction for VTR

  15. 流媒体(StreamingMedia)是一种新兴的网络传输技术,在互联网上实时顺序地传输和播放视/音频等多媒体内容的连续时基数据流。

    Streaming Media is one kind of emerging network transmission technology , the real-time smooth transmission and the broadcast regards / the audio frequency on the Internet and so on the multimedia content continual time base data stream .

  16. 影响溅射沉积ITO透明导电薄膜方阻的,除了溅射沉积时基片的烘烤温度和补氧流量外,还包括后期大气退火热处理的温度。

    As well as heating temperature of substrate and oxygen supplying flow , temperature during post atmospheric anneal treatment had influence on square resistance value of sputtered ITO films .

  17. 在分析时基误差产生原理的基础上,利用帧存和PAL(逐行倒相)编解码芯片及CPU和FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)控制逻辑设计实现了视频时基校正电路。

    Based on the principle of the time base error producing , using frame memory , PAL coded chip , CPU , FPGA control logic , the video time base correct circuit is realized .

  18. 将多输入多输出(MIMO)时域模态分析理论及变时基技术应用于汽车车身模态分析中,开发了MAS软件系统。

    This paper evaluate the dynamic characteristics of the automobile body based on the MIMO time domain modal analysis and the variable time base technique . A corresponding computer software MAS was developed .

  19. 利用时基ICNE555接成的单稳态电路,设计了一种热水循环自动保温系统。

    Based on the monostable circuit , using the IC NE555 , a kind of hot water circulation automatic heat preservation system was designed .

  20. 综上所述,本设计采用频率在一定范围内可调的以时基电路NE555为核心的RC振荡电路。

    In sum , this design adopts RC oscillation circuit centered by Time-base circuit NE555 , which is adjustable to a certain extent .

  21. 焊缝跟踪十字滑块采用基于主控芯片的PWM时基步进电机控制,控制方法简易,且控制精度高。

    The control of crossed slider on the seam tracking robot is based on the stepper motor PWM time based controller of the main control chip , It is easy to adjust , control and get high precision .

  22. 文中探索提高液晶阀调制的性能的途径和方法,并详细介绍用CPLD实现所需时基控制的解决方案。

    This thesis focuses on exploring the approach to improve the liquid crystal valve modulation 's performance and Methodology , The solution of designing timing control circuit based on CPLD is described in detail as well .

  23. 介绍了定时DIR成色剂的类型、合成、应用、反应机理,尤其是重点介绍了具有双定时基成色剂的情况。

    The classification , synthesis , application , reaction mechanism of timing DIR couplers are introduced , especially focusing on those with two-timing groups .

  24. 研究了DVB-T单频网系统下节目参考时钟校正(PCR)的重要性,介绍了非均匀延迟的概念,最后提出一种改进的基于相同时基的PCR校正方法。

    Based on DVB-T system , this paper discusses the importance of PCR correction in DVB-T SFN system . Furthermore , the concept of uneven-delay and an improved PCR correction method based on the same-time-base are presented .

  25. 结合银南地区电网的运行实际特点,简述了GPS时基下微机保护、备自投、低频低压及故障录波器等装置联网系统的开发设计中的一些问题及应用情况。

    Combining the practice of Yinnan area power network , expatiates the problems and application about devices network system of computerized protection , preparing automatism devotion , low frequency and low volt - age , and failure wave record in the GPS time base .

  26. LRM是以线性时基不变假定为基础并能够计算水的水平传输的数学模型。

    The LRM is based on the assumption of linearity and time invariance and can calculate the horizontal travel of water .

  27. 介绍了一种用于校正定时电路时基信号的方法,基于VHDL硬件描述语言来设计与实现,并给出了主要VHDL原代码和仿真波形图。

    In this paper , the method of checking clock sign in timing circuit is introduced - This method was designed by VHDL hard describe language . The simulation waveform and VHDL original codes are given .

  28. 利用谐波频谱分析法测量了外连续光注入下增益开关F-P激光脉冲的抖动,时基抖动为0.905ps、振幅噪声为2.83%,并与取样示波器的测量结果进行比较。

    The pulse jitter of gain-switched Fabry-Perot laser with external cw-light injection was experimentally investigated by using harmonic spectrum analysis . The time jitter is 0.905 ps and amplitude noise is 2.83 % .

  29. 以MPEG-2为基础,研究了非均匀延迟情况下PCR校正的重要性,并提出了一种改进的基于相同时基的PCR校正方法,该校正方案不仅便于实现,而且具有非常好的效果。

    Based on MPEG-2 system , this paper discusses the importance of PCR correction in case of asym - metric delay ; furthermore , an improved same-time-basis PCR correction method is presented . The presented method is easy to implement and has excellent performance .

  30. 似乎每周都会有新的危机出现下一个可能在本周末来临,届时基辅应向俄罗斯天然气寡头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)支付4亿美元的账单。

    Every week seems to bring a new crisis – the next could come this weekend , when Kiev is due to pay a $ 400m bill to Gazprom , the Russian gas monopoly .