
shí shì pínɡ lùn
  • comments on current events
  1. 鲁迅杂文的主体是文化评论和时事评论。

    Lu Xun 's essays consist chiefly of cultural criticisms and current-affair reviews .

  2. 我平时比较爱好听音乐,看电影,经济新闻及时事评论,文学书籍,以及户外运动,偶尔也喜欢炒炒股。

    I enjoy musics , movies , economic news , press comments , literature and outdoor games , also occasionally I like stocks exchange .

  3. 报纸[newspaper]是以刊载新闻和时事评论为主的定期向公众发行的印刷出版物,是信息的重要载载体,具有反映和引导社会舆论的功能。

    Newspaper is a periodically publication which is oriented towards the news and topical comments . It is an important carrier of information and has a function of reflecting and directing public opinion .

  4. 但从创作实践考察,则还有诸如政论体报告文学、调查报告体报告文学、时事评论体报告文学、游记体报告文学等鲜有人论及。

    But , looking at the writing practice we find that there are other types of reportage , such as reportage in the form of political comment , reportage in the form of findings report , reportage i.

  5. 文章通过对非典型肺炎事件报道中广东报纸刊发的新闻评论(主要是时事评论)的分析,并结合中国新闻传播史,探究新闻评论在重大突发性事件中的作用。

    This paper probes the role played by commentaries in unexpected events on the basis of an analysis of the commentaries issued by Guangdong 's newspapers during the outbreak of SARS and an overview of the history of Chinese journalism .

  6. 是的,我们又要经历数月恼人的时事评论、攻击性宣传和无意义的争论,我们又要看到政客们维持着人民选举总统、选举与慷慨捐赠竞选资金的公司无关的正面现象。

    Yes , we 'll all have to suffer through months of excruciating punditry , attack ads , meaningless debates , and keep up the fa ? ade that it 's the people who choose the president and not whichever corporation donates the most money .

  7. 司法时事系列评论(之二)

    A Serial of Comments on Current Judicial Affairs ( Part II )

  8. 我们经常对时事发表评论。

    We often comment on current events .

  9. 对于千百万中国青少年而言,网络是一个窗口,他们可以下载音乐和电影、与朋友聊天、就时事发表评论。

    For millions of young Chinese , the internet has been a revelation , allowing them to download music and movies , chat with friends and comment on current affairs .

  10. 你觉得他对时事新闻的评论如何?

    A : What do you think about his comment on the current news ?

  11. 每星期出版的《基督教周报》和《时代论坛》,从基督教的观点提供时事消息和评论。

    Two weekly newspapers , the Christian Weekly and the Christian times , present news and comments from a Christian perspective .