
  1. 不管计算是什么,您都应该标识出浪费时间的进程部分。

    Either way , you should identify the parts of the process that waste time .

  2. 人世代谢,但时间的进程永不停息。

    Generations of men come and go ; but time rolls in tits ceaseless course .

  3. 但是这些个灰白的颜色的烟雾并没有随着时间的进程而转变外形,也没有移动。

    However , the gray fog did not change the form and did not move in the course of time .

  4. 该物质的应力松弛实验表明,其流变学性质随着切变率的施加、程度和时间的进程而在改变;

    According to stress relaxation on such substance , its rheological properties were changed by the action with shear rate , extent of shear rate acted , and period shear rate acted .

  5. 《佛兰德公路》表现了一种共时的艺术观:在战争意象的重复中,时间的进程消失了,世界的荒谬和人类的愚蠢仿佛一个周而复始的景象被永恒地固定下来。

    The Flanders Road displays an artistic outlook of simultaneity : in the repetition of war image , the process of time disappears , and the world absurdity and human stupidity are fixed eternally like a circulating scene .

  6. 舞蹈是以人体为物质媒介,以姿态动作为语言,在时间的进程中占有空间的形式来传递情感表达思想的艺术形式。

    Dance is a form of arts , which uses the human body as a kind of material medium and uses the gesture movements as a language . It can express feelings in the form of the time .

  7. 对于一种血液粘度质控物进行了连续3年的表观粘度、剪切稀化曲线陡度、卡松屈服应力和卡松粘度的观察,发现该物质随着时间的进程上述参数逐年变低;

    A blood viscosity " Quality Control Substance " was studied for 3 years continuously for the apparent viscosity values , the curve gradient of viscosity versus shear rate , Casson yield stress and Casson viscosity , we found that above parameters decrease according to time going on .

  8. 单击Tasks,查看长时间运行的进程的状态。

    Click on Tasks to view the status of the long-running process .

  9. GAE队列允许您采取可能长时间运行的进程,将它们变为简洁的任务(servlet)并将这些任务放到队列上以便在后台执行。

    GAE queues allow you to take potentially long-running processes , break them up into succinct tasks ( servlets ), and throw those tasks onto queues to be executed in the background .

  10. 不过,从短时间运行的进程对请求-响应操作的调用将始终采用同步方式。

    However , invocations to request-response operations from a short running process will always be synchronous .

  11. 调用组件是短时间运行的进程时,将对单向目标操作采用首选交互样式。

    When the calling component is a short running process , the preferred interaction style is honored for one-way target operations .

  12. 业务状态机的运行时构件是长时间运行的进程,因此二者的调用行为是相同的。

    The runtime artifacts for business state machines are long running processes , so the invocation behavior is the same for both .

  13. 变异语言通过对语言规则的解构,改变了叙事时间的既定进程,形成了新的时间顺序。

    Through destructing language rules , the language variations have changed the established process of time narration , and formed a new time sequence .

  14. 在时间浓缩的进程里,随着社会转型的加速,媒介事件的传播方式、传播渠道与传播效果正在发生着变化。

    In " time enrichment " in the process of social transformation , as the acceleration of the mode of transmission , the media event , transmission channels and spreading effect is changing .

  15. 虽然SOA通常更适合请求/响应交换环境,但EDA引入了一些长时间运行的异步进程功能。

    While SOA is generally a better fit for a request / response exchange , EDA introduces long-running asynchronous process capabilities .

  16. 这等效于uptime命令的输出,它显示了在这些时间间隔内的进程负载。

    This is equivalent to the output of the uptime command that shows the process loading for these intervals .

  17. 采用时间步长法的进程推进机制和活动扫描法的仿真策略,在VC++6.0开发环境下,实现了ATS系统可视化仿真。

    A visual ATS simulation system based on agent is developed with VC ~ ( + + ) 6.0 using time-step method and activity scanning strategy .

  18. 中止中止至另一时间或地点的进程。

    To suspend proceedings to another time or place .

  19. 一般来说,对时间要求苛刻的进程应锁定在内存中。

    As a general rule , time critical processes should be locked into memory .

  20. 平均负载试图衡量任何时间内的活动进程数量。

    The load average tries to measure the number of active processes at any time .

  21. 那段时间,我的进程已经改变主要是因为电脑融入我们的工作。

    During that time , my process has changed mostly because of the introduction of the computer to our industry .

  22. 本文希望同大家一起浏览人类认识时间的历史发展进程,探讨现代科学中与时间有关的一些悬而未决的问题。

    The essay intends to discuss some unresolved questions related to time in modern science by browsing the historical development course of man 's understanding of time .

  23. 这或许会显得有点乐观,不过,亚洲的增长速度将会与美欧拉开一段距离,使已经持续了20年或更长时间的全球财富再分配进程加速。

    Yet growth will outpace that of the US and Europe by some distance , accelerating a recalibration of global wealth that has been proceeding for two decades or more .

  24. 然而,这也将是不容易的任务,因为在短的时间内和全球化的进程本身提供的问题-它对能适应的人带来财富提供治疗而往往让其他人自己解决其余的问题。

    However , this will also not be an easy task because of the short amount of time and the process of globalization itself offers problems - it brings riches to the people who can adapt while others are left to tend for themselves .

  25. 在java技术中,线程通常是抢占式的而不需要时间片分配进程(分配给每个线程相等的cpu时间的进程)。

    In Java technology , threads are usually preemptive , but not necessarily Time-sliced ( the process of giving each thread an equal amount of CPU time ) .