
zhàn lüè zhēn chá
  • strategic reconnaissance
  1. 熊式远程战略侦察轰炸机

    Bear-type long distance strategic reconnaissance bomber

  2. 从运行轨道携带电影胶片返回地面的太空舱成了家常便饭,从而使针对苏联的战略侦察变成了国防的重要组成部分。

    The return of film-carrying capsules from orbit became routine , and turned strategic reconnaissance of the Soviet Union into an important element of national defense .

  3. 从国内外高可靠性飞行控制系统发展来看,为保证长航时无人机能够可靠地完成战略侦察、监视任务,要求飞控系统具有高可靠性、高生存力,以最大限度地保证飞机和设备的安全。

    In the process of flight control system development overseas , the reliability and survivability of HALE UAV are enhanced , to ensure safety of plane and equipment , carry out high reconnaissance and head off missiles possibly .

  4. 高空长航时无人机作为近些年新出现的一种无人机,在战略侦察和高空大气探测方面有其特殊的用途,己经受到了广泛的关注。

    In recent years , High Altitude and Long Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ( HALE UAV ) as a new kind of UAVS has drawn extensive attention . They play important and special roles in strategic reconnaissance and up air soundings .