
  • 网络Overcoming Anxiety
  1. 战胜焦虑并不容易,但这里的一些小贴士,能帮助你快速改善心情。

    Anxiety is difficult , but there are handy tricks you can use , which are proven to work well to lift your mood .

  2. 用理智来战胜焦虑和不安的想法,比如:“我只是漏接了一个电话,并不会因此被炒鱿鱼的。”在世界环境变化莫测的情况下,你要通过做出正确、有益的选择,来给自己提供稳定。

    Use your rational mind to counter the anxious and catastrophic thoughts you have : " I probably won 't be fired because I dropped one phone call . " Try to create your own certainty by making healthy choices and commitments that off-set the upheaval in the world around .