
qiān zhuì
  • weights
  1. 潜水员向海岸走去时,铅坠和氧气罐使他们步履维艰。

    Lead weights and air cylinders encumbered the divers as they walked to the shore

  2. 这些渔网是靠铅坠下沉的。

    The fishing nets are weighted with lead .

  3. 半松弛的钓线可以确保你的铅坠停留在原地,并且保持饵的自然状态。

    A semi-slack line keeps your weight in the same place on the bottom and helps maintain the natural appearance .

  4. 你也可以用“拖-停”的手法,这样在你抬高竿尖的时候,铅坠也轻微离底。

    You can also use a pull-and-drop presentation by raising your rod tip so the sinker also comes up off the bottom .