
  • 网络lead-zinc deposit;lead zinc deposit;Pb-Zn deposit
  1. 有机质在MVT铅锌矿床形成中的作用

    The Role of Organic Matter in the Formation of MVT Pb-Zn Deposit

  2. 云南会泽铅锌矿床粘土矿物K-Ar测年及其地质意义

    K-Ar dating of altered clay minerals from Huize Pb-Zn deposit in Yunnan Province and its geological significance

  3. 铅锌矿床形成的异常从岩石、土壤C层、土壤A层到水系沉积物元素含量降低,呈逐步分散。

    Metallogenic element contents decrease from rocks , soils to stream sediments .

  4. 黔西北铅锌矿床REE特征及其意义

    REE Geochemistry of Pb_Zn Deposits in Northwestern Guizhou and Its Significance

  5. 以会泽铅锌矿床为例,根据不同成矿阶段矿物相之间的平衡条件,讨论了成矿流体pH值随温度变化的情况。

    This paper studied the variation of pH value of ore-forming fluid with temperatures under the condition of equilibrium among minerals crystallized at different ore-forming stages in the Huize lead-zinc ore deposit .

  6. 塔里木西南缘MVT型铅锌矿床流体包裹体研究

    The fluid inclusion in MVT lead zinc deposit in southwest margin of Tarim

  7. 塔西南MVT型铅锌矿床成矿作用机制研究&以卡兰古铅锌矿为例

    Minerogenetic mechanism of lead-zinc deposits in southwestern Tarim

  8. 许多密西西比河谷型(MVT)铅锌矿床中都含有具经济意义的锗(Cd)、镉(Ge)、镓(Ga)等分散元素。

    In many Mississippi valley type ( MVT ) Pb-Zn deposits , dispersed elements such as Cd , Ge , and Ga may reach to economically significant enrichment .

  9. 兰坪铅锌矿床驰名中外,是目前我国最大的Pb-Zn矿床,并伴有大型Sr(Ba)矿床。

    Lanping Pb-Zn deposit has been known at home and abroad as the largest Pb-Zn deposit in our country , which is accompanied by large Sr ( Ba ) deposits .

  10. 扬子地块西南缘铅锌矿床的容矿岩石及区域地层中Zn、Pb和Cd等的高背景值是铅锌成矿和分散元素富集的物质基础。

    Regional strata and host rocks of the Pb-Zn deposits in SW Yangtze block have high contents of Zn , Pb , and Cd , which is fundamental for the Pb-Zn mineralization and the enrichment of dispersed elements .

  11. 在成矿机制研究方面,通过对典型MVT铅锌矿床的解剖分析,结合本区构造演化及成矿地质条件特征,建立了本区MVT铅锌矿床的成矿模式。

    Based on all of these , the metallogenic model of these Mississippi valley type lead-zinc deposits have been built up .

  12. 西昆仑地区塔木MVT型铅锌矿床成矿作用和成矿物质来源探讨

    Study on Metallogenetic Process of Tamu MVT Type Lead-Zinc Ore Deposit and the Source of Metallogenetic Material in West of Kunlun

  13. 花园冲铜铅锌矿床受北北西向淯溪断裂带F5断层控制,含矿岩性为白垩系上统跑马岗组褪色白云质含砾次长石砂岩;

    Huayuanchong copper-lead-zinc deposit is controlled by NNW F5 trending fault , while the ore-bearing lithology being Paomagang Fm fade dolomitic gravel subarkose .

  14. NW向构造带控制铅锌矿床(点)的集中产出,其内之断层和层间构造带直接赋存铅锌矿体;

    The structural belts with NW strikes control the concentrated yields of the Pb-Zn deposits or ore points , its interior faults and interstratified structural belts directly preserves the Pb-Zn orebodies ;

  15. 代家庄铅锌矿床是通过区域化探异常查证工作,在西秦岭地区发现的SEDEX型铅锌矿床。

    Daijiazhuang lead-zinc deposit was found with geochemical exploration , and it belongs SEDEX type deposit .

  16. F1断裂带是区内铅锌矿床的主要控矿构造,V1主矿体沿断裂走向分布,各种构造变形现象较为丰富。

    F1 fault is major controlling structures , and No. V1 ore body and some other ore bodies distributes along the fault strike , and which is rich in varieties of structural deformation phenomena .

  17. 笔者总结了这些铅锌矿床的地质特征,并将这些矿床与国外的MVT矿床进行对比,探讨它们的矿质来源、成矿溶液、成矿机制和成矿控制因素等。

    This paper sums up the geological features of these Pb-Zn deposits , compares them with MVT deposits abroad and discusses their ore material source , ore fluids , genetic mechanism and ore controlling factors .

  18. 综合分析表明,Rb-Sr等时线定年(尤其是闪锌矿Rb-Sr等时线定年)为铅锌矿床较理想的直接定年方法,但该定年方法还存在许多理论和技术问题,有待深入研究;

    The results show that Rb Sr isochron ( especially of sphalerites ) is a feasible method for directly dating the zinc lead deposits , but there exist many disadvantages in theory and technique for this method .

  19. 铅锌矿床Rb-Sr等时线定年应以深入细致的地质、地球化学研究为基础,定年过程中必须严慎对待样品采集、样品挑选、流体包裹体溶液提取和质谱分析等各个环节。

    Careful study of geology and geochemistry must be done before Rb Sr dating of zinc lead deposits . In the Rb Sr dating process , we must pay more attention to samples selecting , picking , fluid inclusion extraction and the analysis at mass spectrometer .

  20. 银山西区铜金铅锌矿床微量元素地球化学特征

    Study on minor elements of Yinshan Xiqu cu-au-pb-zn deposit , Jiangxi

  21. 黔西北铅锌矿床的地质地球化学特征

    Geological and geochemical features of lead-zinc deposits in northwestern , guizhou

  22. 河北&铅锌矿床的硫同位素研究

    Sulfur isotope study of the Sphalerite-Galena ore deposit in Hebei Province

  23. 贵州西北部铅锌矿床伴生银的赋存状态

    The occurrence of associated silvers of lead-zinc deposits in Northwestern Guizhou

  24. 花垣铅锌矿床中黑色萤石再研究

    Restudy of the black fluorite in the Huayuan Pb Zn deposit

  25. 湖南宝山西部铅锌矿床地质特征及找矿方向

    Geological Characteristics and Prospecting Methods of Baoshan Western Lead-Zinc Mineral Deposit

  26. 对确定铅锌矿床勘探类型数学方法的探讨

    A Mathematical Method for Ascertaining the Prospecting Type of Pb-Zn Deposits

  27. 银山银铅锌矿床地质特征与成矿作用

    The Yinshan Ag-Pb-Zn Deposit : Its Geological Features and Metallogenetic Process

  28. 江西银山铜铅锌矿床原生矿化分带的初步研究

    A preliminary study on hypogene zoning of the Yinshan copper-lead-zinc deposit

  29. 我国南方一些古岩溶洞穴沉积铅锌矿床的成矿特征

    Geologic characteristics of Genesis of karst lead-zinc deposit in South China

  30. 四川底苏铅锌矿床是一个典型的沉积改造型矿床。

    Disu Pb-Zn deposit , Sichuan is a typical sedimentary-reworked one .