
  • 网络lead dust
  1. 显像管玻壳铅尘污染特性的研究

    Study on Pollution Characteristics of Lead Dust of Glass Shell of Kinescope

  2. 显像管玻壳铅尘环境化学行为的研究

    Environmentally Chemical Behavior of Lead Dust from a Kinescope Glass Shell in Soil

  3. 分析了不同高度的大气中铅尘含量。

    Lead - dust was analysed in atmosphere with different height .

  4. 马路边的铅尘大于公园绿地上的铅尘;

    Lead-dust on sideway is larger than green-park .

  5. 研究表明,用高斯模式能成功地预测铅尘在大气中的迁移扩散规律;

    The study showed that Gauss model could successfully forecast the rules of movement ;

  6. 利用玻壳厂铅尘生产三盐基硫酸铅的研究

    Study on production of tribasic lead sulfate from lead dust of glass shell plant

  7. 利用电除尘器降低蓄电池生产中铅尘排放量研究

    Research on the Lead Dust Discharge Reduced by ESP in Storage Battery Production Process

  8. 干旱多尘土季节大气中的铅尘大于雨季。

    In drought season lead-dust in atmosphere is larger than that in rainy season .

  9. 结果表明,铅尘在大气中的分布随着高度的降低而大幅度增加。

    The result shows that lead-dust largely adds in atmosphere scope with degression of height .

  10. 显像管玻壳铅尘浸出毒性及铅形态的研究

    Research on the leaching toxicity of lead dust from kinescope glass crust and lead form

  11. 显像管玻壳铅尘在大气中的迁移扩散规律和污染特征

    Movement and Dispersion of Lead Dust of Glass Shell of Kinescope in Atmosphere and Its Pollution Characteristics

  12. 黑白显像管玻壳铅尘中铅的提取方法

    An Extraction Method of Lead in Lead Dust from the Production of Black and White Kinescope Glass Shell

  13. 在接触铅尘的工人中,铅尘的累积接触量与铅中毒发病有较密切的关系。

    And significant relation between cumulative exposure value of lead dust to the attack in workers exposing to lead dust .

  14. 结果发现,空气中铅尘、铅烟低于最高容许浓度;

    It was found that both of the lead dust and smoke concentrations were below the maximal allowable concentrations in the workplace .

  15. 介绍了由玻壳厂铅尘生产三盐基硫酸铅的原理、工艺流程及操作条件。

    The experimental principle , process and condition of using waste lead dust of glass shell plants to produce tribasic lead sulfate are introduced .

  16. 简单地介绍了废旧铅酸电池对人类的危害、铅尘传播途径、国内外的回收和综合治理现状与工艺,探讨了直接利用废旧铅酸电池正极活性物质的可能性;

    The harm of wasted lead acid batteries for human , the transition path of lead dust , recycling status and technology at home and abroad are introduced briefly in this paper .

  17. 该法充分利用了铅尘的有效成份,产品质量好,工艺简单易行,无二次污染,经济效益显著,为充分利用含铅废料和减少污染提供了一条有效途径。

    The effective components of lead dust are reclaimed fully by this way with high quality product , simple process , no pollution and good benefits . A valuable procedure of sufficiently utilizing the waste lead dust and reducing environmental pollution is provided .

  18. 冶金含锌铅炉尘回收处理新方法

    New process on utilization of dusts bearing Zn-Pb from metallurgical plant

  19. 儿童玩具中铅镉手尘转移及其预防的研究

    Determination and prevention of migration of soluble lead and cadmium in toys through hand dust

  20. 三电极电收尘器在铅烧结烟气收尘中的应用分析

    Analysis of application of tri-electrode electrostatic precipitators in Lead Sintering Gas Dedusting

  21. 结论应用火焰原子吸收法和无火焰原子吸收法测定车间空气中铅烟、铅尘,在一定的条件之下,结果没有差异。

    There is no difference in the results whether use FAAS or GFAAS to determine the lead fume and dust .

  22. 车间空气中铅烟、铅尘的有火焰与无火焰原子吸收测定法比较

    Comparison between two Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Methods with Flame or with Graphite Furnace in Determining Lead Fume and Dust in the Air of Workplaces

  23. 第一部分,采用流行病学调查方法对蓄电池行业职业卫生进行现状调查,根据国家规定的方法检测作业场所空气中铅烟、铅尘浓度。

    In the first part , we investigated the occupational health current situation by epidemiological field investigation and detected the lead fume and dust concentrations in workplace .

  24. 目的比较火焰原子吸收法和无火焰原子吸收法对车间空气中铅烟、铅尘测定方法是否存在差异。

    To compare the two atomic absorption spectrometric methods with flame ( FAAS ) or with graphite furnace ( GFAAS ) in determining lead fume and dust in the air of workplaces .

  25. 铅能通过吸入铅尘,食土或食用含铅油漆等进入人体。

    They can get it into their bodies by breathing or swallowing lead dust , or by eating soil or pieces of lead paint .

  26. 铅冶炼车间空气中铅尘、铅烟控制浓度研究

    Study on the Control Concentration of Lead Dust and Lead Fume in Lead Smelting Workshop in the air

  27. 可能(人们摄入的)铅多数来自植物上的铅尘和土壤中的铅而不是植物本身含有的。

    He says there is likely more risk from lead dust on plants or from playing in the soil than from the plant itself .

  28. 职业性慢性铅中毒12例,均吸入铅烟、铅尘所致。

    In 12 occupational chronic lead poisoning cases , all of them have history inhaling lead smog or lead dust .

  29. 结果铅烟浓度平均超过国家卫生标准3633倍,铅尘浓度平均超过国家卫生标准2060倍;

    Results The average levels of lead smoke and lead dust exceeding the national hygienic standard were 36.33 times and 20 60 times respectively .

  30. 并可对今后铅中毒发病作出预测。预测指出,目前该厂灌粉工种铅尘浓度比往年大有提高,今后将有大量工人发生铅中毒。

    Since the concentration is much higher than before , while pouring lead powder , it could be predicted that there will be more lead poisoning patients later .