
  • 网络lead apron
  1. 底米龙的密度虽与铅制防护衣几乎不相上下,却可轻易曲、弄皱与摺叠。

    Though nearly as dense as the material in lead-based shielding vestments , Demron readily bends , creases and folds .

  2. 该防护器可保护性腺使之免受X线的损伤并解决了铅-橡胶衣、裙存在的笨重,安全系数低和交叉感染的问题,而且还具有容易放置,防护精确、安全等优点。

    The protector can prevent the gonad from X-ray damage and solve the problems underlying the lead-rubber suit and skirt such as heaviness , low safety factor and cross infection . The protector also has the advantages of easy placement , accurate protection and safety .