
xiànɡ jiāo ruǎn ɡuǎn
  • rubber hose
  1. GB/T1186-1992压缩空气用橡胶软管(2.5mpa以下)

    Rubber hose for compressed air ( up to 2.5 MPa )

  2. 肘形橡胶软管内压作用下的平衡特性

    Equilibrium performance of rubber hose elbow subjected to inner pressure

  3. 我国PVC软管代替橡胶软管的发展概况

    Development situation of substituting flexible PVC pipe for flexible rubber pipe

  4. CPE在钢丝增强橡胶软管中的应用

    Application of CPE to rubber hoses with wire reinforced hydraulic type

  5. 介绍了我国PVC软管发展的近况,并将PVC软管与橡胶软管在原料供应、生产工艺及机械性能方面进行了比较。

    Recent developments of domestic flexible PVC pipe are introduced . The flexible PVC pipe and flexible rubber pipe are compared in the fileds of raw material supply , production process and mechanical performance .

  6. 航空橡胶软管低压爆破失效分析

    The Failure Analysis on Low Pressure Bursting of Aeronautical Rubber Tube

  7. 装车用液氨橡胶软管失效分析与防护

    Failure of Rubber Hose for Liquid Ammonia Loading Operation and Protection

  8. 农用喷雾机橡胶软管用油漆喷雾器进行油漆。

    Spray rubber hoses for agricultural use paint with an airbrush .

  9. 防火防爆异型橡胶软管的制备

    Preparation of special rubber hoses with fireproof and flame-proof property

  10. 我跑去找来了橡胶软管,把喷壶装满水。

    I ran for the garden hose and filled the watering can .

  11. 相关行业也开始蓬勃发展,如橡胶软管行业。

    The industry also began to flourish , such as Rubber industry .

  12. 国外补强橡胶软管硫化工艺概述

    General Description of Vulcanization Technology of Soft Rubber Tube with Reinforcement from Abroad

  13. 焊接、切割用橡胶软管

    Rubber hoses for welding , cutting and allied equipment

  14. GB/T16591-1996输送无水氨用橡胶软管及软管组合件

    Rubber hose and hose assemblies for transferring anhydrous ammonia

  15. GB/T12721-1991橡胶软管外胶层耐磨耗性能的测定

    Rubber hoses-Determination of abrasion resistance of the outer cover

  16. 钢丝在橡胶软管中的应用

    Application of the Steel Wire in Rubber Hose

  17. GB/T3683-1992钢丝增强液压橡胶软管和软管组合件高压波纹管式压力计

    Rubber hoses and hose assemblies & Wire reinforced hydraulic type high pressure bellows manometer

  18. 曲挠性能是橡胶软管的重要质量指标之一。

    Deflection behavior is one of the important quality indices of a rubber tube .

  19. 软管泵橡胶软管结构非线性有限元分析

    Structure Analysis on Rubber Hose of Hose Pumps Based on Nonlinear Finite Element Method

  20. GB7542-1987铁路机车车辆制动用橡胶软管

    Rubber brake hoses for railway locomotive and car

  21. 液压用纤维强化橡胶软管

    Textile reinforced rubber hoses for hydraulic use

  22. 连杆轴承巴氏合金浇注连接橡胶软管浇灌草坪和花园。

    Connecting rod bearing pouring attaches to a garden hose for watering lawn or garden .

  23. GB/T15329-1994织物增强液压橡胶软管和软管组合件

    Rubber hoses and hose assemblies-Textile-reinforced hydraulic type

  24. 氧气橡胶软管的研制

    Design of Oxygen Rubber Flexible Hose

  25. 农用喷雾机橡胶软管

    Spray rubber hoses for agricultural use

  26. 橡胶软管的包覆硫化

    Rubber hose with covering cure

  27. 介绍了防火防爆异型橡胶软管的制备过程如结构设计、胶料配方设计和生产工艺等。

    Design of structure and formula , technological process of special rubber hoses was studied in this paper .

  28. 英国的园丁被禁止使用橡胶软管浇水,而在西班牙的许多城镇,游泳池都是干的。

    English gardeners are banned from using hosepipes , while swimming pools remain empty in many Spanish towns .

  29. 橡胶软管是软管泵的核心部件,其变形特性直接关系到软管泵的性能和使用寿命。

    Rubber hose is core parts of hose pumps . The deformation characteristics determine the life of hose pumps .

  30. 对中高液压橡胶软管弹性变形造成功率损失的估算

    Evaluation for the Power Lost Induced by the Elastic Deformation of the Rubber hydraulic Hose under High or Middle Pressure