
  • 网络rubber filling oil;rubber process oil
  1. 阐述以加氢尾油为进料,采用异构脱蜡、加氢精制工艺生产变压器油、冷冻机油、橡胶填充油等产品,使企业效益最大化。

    It is described that manufacturing transformer oil , refrigerator oil , rubber process oil and other products from the HUCO ( hydrocracker unconverted oil ) with the technologies of IDW ( Iso-Dewaxing ) and HDF ( Hydro-Dewaxing Finishing ) in order to maximize corporation 's return .

  2. 全氢工艺生产高档橡胶填充油研究

    The study of high - grade rubber process oil manufactured from full hydrofining technique

  3. SBS橡胶填充油的加氢应用技术聚甘油丙烯酸酯扩链剂合成原油破乳剂

    Synthesis of Crude Oil Demulsifier Using Polyglycerol Acrylate as Chain Extender

  4. 10B高级环烷型橡胶填充油研究及工业试生产

    Study on premium 10B naphthenic type rubber filling oil and its industrial trial-production

  5. 一是以N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP)为溶剂研制符合一定标准的橡胶填充油;

    One route is to produce the rubber filling oil which is satisfied with some standards by NMP extracting .

  6. 利用这些技术分别以环烷基、中间基原油生产的SBS橡胶填充油的色度、相溶性、黄变性能等指标均达到国外同类产品质量水平,满足了市场需求。

    The chromaticity , miscibility and anti-yellowing of SBS rubber extender oil produced by these technologies , which raw material was naphthenic-base or medium-base crude oil , could reach quality standard of the same overseas product and satisfy domestic market requirement .

  7. SBR-1778橡胶填充油产品开发的工艺研究及应用

    A study on the technique of rubber filling oil SBR-1778 and its application

  8. 为了研制符合一定标准的橡胶填充油,以N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP)为溶剂对润滑油溶剂精制过程中的副产物抽出油进行抽提。

    In order to fabricate rubber packing oil satisfied with some standards , extract oil , a byproduct during solvent refining of lubricating oil , was refined using N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone ( NMP ) .

  9. 研究了不同牌号的橡胶填充油对苯乙烯-乙烯/丁烯-苯乙烯共聚物(SEBS)力学性能的影响及以聚丙烯(PP)为改性剂对充油SEBS进行改性的效果。

    The effect of different varieties of rubber oil on the mechanical properties of styrene-ethylene / butylene-styrene ( SEBS ) triblock copolymer blend , and the that of PP , which was used as a modifier , on the modification of oil-extended SEBS were studied .

  10. 橡胶填充油方案生产工序复杂,成本高;

    The production sequence of rubber filling oil is complicated and costly .

  11. 主要考察了抽提温度和质量剂油比对橡胶填充油的质量和收率的影响。

    The influence of extracting temperature and solvent-oil ratio on both quality and yield of product was investigated .

  12. 得到的橡胶填充油颜色浅、碳型结构好、凝点低。

    The rubber filling oil gained is light coloured ; its carbon structure is good ; and its pour point is low .

  13. 中国石油研制生产的健康环保型石蜡基橡胶填充油系列产品,具有浅颜色、低芳烃、高饱和烃含量等特征,是中国石油的优质特色产品。

    Paraffin base rubber oil series developed by PetroChina is premium specialties with environmental - friendly , light color , low aromatics and highly saturated hydrocarbon content , etc.

  14. 以N-甲基吡咯烷酮和糠醛为溶剂,对新疆混合原油的减压馏分油进行了精制,并对此抽出油进行注水、降温沉降研究及芳香烃型橡胶填充油的放大制备试验研究。

    A process for the production of aromatic rubber extending oil was studied by N-methyl pyrrolidone or furfural solvent extraction of vacuum gas oil obtained from Xinjiang mixed crude oil .

  15. 抽出油的收率为30%左右,其中芳香分和胶质含量总和高于90%,可以作为橡胶填充油。

    And the yield of extract oil was about 30 % , of which the aromatic and resin constituents were over 90 % , and they can be used as filled oak oil .

  16. 由抽提的结果及催化裂化的结果可以确定,若抽出油只是作为橡胶填充油,在抽提过程中可不用加入反抽提剂;

    The extraction result and the catalytic cracking result showed that it was unnecessary to add the reverse extractant during the extraction process if the extract oil was only used as rubber oil ;

  17. 催化裂化回炼油浆富含重芳烃,经糠醛精制后,抽出油可用于生产橡胶填充油,同时抽余油可作为催化裂化原料回炼,回炼油浆得到充分利用。

    Catalytic cracking cycle slurry is rich in heavy arenes and can be applied to produce filled oak oil after furfural refining . Raffinate oil can also be used as catalytic cracking feedstock .

  18. 通过对重质润滑油馏分进行深加工,获得了锂料等调油组分,内燃机油组分,精制型汽缸油,19#普通压缩机油及橡胶填充油等。

    Blending oil component such as lithium , diesel oil component , treated cylinder oil , regular compressor oil 19 # , and rubber filling oil are obtained through highly processing of heavy lube fraction .

  19. 以此芳香烃型橡胶填充油进行丁苯橡胶的充油试验,其充油丁苯橡胶主要性能良好,300%定伸应力、拉伸强度及扯断伸长率等性能更为优异。

    The results of oil filled test of styrene-butadiene rubber ( SBR ) by aromatic rubber extending oil showed that the oil extending SBR had good properties , especially the performance of modulus at 300 % , the tensile strength and the elongation at break .

  20. 通过橡胶填充油项目的计划制订,指出在项目制订过程中存在计划体系不完善、计划管理水平落户的问题,提出规范项目计划体系、采用项目管理软件的解决措施。

    Through technological transformation projects planning , it points out the planning system is imperfect in the project formulation progress and the issue of how to settle the program management . At the same time , it puts forward standard project plans system using project management software are the solutions .

  21. 丁苯橡胶环烷系填充油的研究

    Study on naphthene series extender oils for styrene-butadiene rubber

  22. 研究表明,所得到的热解液体中,轻中馏分可作为汽、柴油馏分,重馏分可作为橡胶加工中的填充油;

    The pyrolysis liquid obtained are fractionated to get light fractions , used as gasoline and diesel fuel and heavy fractions , used as filling oil for rubber processing .

  23. 炼油厂重质芳烃油有多种化工用途,可作为蒸馏工艺强化剂、优化溶剂脱沥青工艺添加剂、橡胶工业的橡胶填充油和工艺软化油、工业导热油、黑色油墨溶剂油等。

    Aromatic extract oil can be utilized in many chemical fields , e.g. it can be used as active additives in vacuum distillation unit and solvent deasphalting unit , rubber extender oil and process softening agent in rubber industry , thermal conducting oil and printing ink solvent .