
xiànɡ zǐ
  • acorn
橡子 [xiàng zǐ]
  • (1) [acorn]∶橡树的坚果,通常座落在或被包围在一个硬化木质壳斗中,后者具有硬化的苞片

  • (2) [beech mast]∶尤指掉在树下的果实

  1. 为更清晰地理解此处的问题,我们来看一种不同的生物系统,比如说,橡子。

    To see the problem here more clearly , let 's look at a different biological system , say , an acorn

  2. 每个橡子都生长在一个小的杯状结构之中,

    Each acorn grows in a little cup .

  3. 橡树孕育于橡子之中。

    The oak is implicit in the acorn .

  4. 橡树的果实是一种棕色的小坚果,名叫橡子。

    The fruit of the oak is a small brown nut , which is called an acorn3 .

  5. 如果我们把橡子从中取出,放入温水浸泡,几个小时之后它就会裂开。

    If we take the acorn out of its cup and soak it in warm water for a few hours , it will split open ,

  6. 丁苯橡胶老化表观活化能的实验研究ROC分离橡子中淀粉与单宁的实验研究

    The experimental study of aging apparent activation energy of styrene-butadiene rubber Separation Starch and Tannin from Acom by Nanofiltration Process

  7. 这些埋藏的橡子构成了发育有效更新苗的主要种子来源。

    These buried acorns form the main seed resource for regeneration .

  8. 蒙古栎橡子脱毒技术的研究

    Research on deprivation of poison in acorn of Quercus mongolica Fisch

  9. 湖南省主要橡子资源综合开发利用的研究

    Oak Plant Resources in Hunan with Reference to Its Integrated Utilization

  10. 彼得在她身边跪下,发现了他的那颗橡子扣。

    Then Peter knelt beside her and found his button .

  11. 即使一只瞎松鼠也有发现一个橡子的时候。(瞎猫也有碰上死耗子的时候。)

    Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while .

  12. 蒙古栎橡子营养成分的研究

    Studies on nutrient contents in acorn of Quercus Mongolia Fisch

  13. 橡子击中了伯德桑的鼻子,又弹了开去。

    The acorn struck Birdsong 's nose and bounced off .

  14. 橡子的大小对发芽和幼苗出土没有明显的影响;

    Acorn size did not significantly affect germination and emergence of the seedlings .

  15. 它们不会把橡子留给其他雀鸟。

    But they don 't leave them for others .

  16. 自打橡子事件以后,你就一直因为我而感到羞耻。

    You 've been ashamed since the acorn thing .

  17. 橡子熟了,山桃黄了。

    The acorn ripens and the hickory nut matures .

  18. 这棵橡树上有橡子。

    There are many acorns on the oak tree .

  19. 麻栎橡子抗氧化及抗糖尿病活性的试验研究

    Primary Study on Antioxidant Activities and Antidiabetic Properties of Quercus Acutissima Caruth Acorn

  20. 橡子利用的研究(Ⅲ)&橡实淀粉的特性

    STUDY ON ACORN UTILIZATION (ⅲ)── Characterization of Acorn Starch

  21. 连一个瞎的松鼠有时也能找到橡子,波比。

    Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then , bobby .

  22. 那些猪在树林里搜寻橡子。

    The pigs foraged in the woods for acorns .

  23. 猪以鼻挖泥土寻找橡子。

    A pig roots for acorns with its nose .

  24. 加利福尼亚的一种高大优美乔木,叶皮质,橡子长圆锥形。

    Tall graceful deciduous California oak having leathery leaves and slender pointed acorns .

  25. 大概只有十分之一的橡子能够成长。

    Perhaps only tenth of them will grow .

  26. 橡子生长特征和酿酒研究的回顾

    The Features of Oak-seed and the Review of the Research on Liquor-making with Oak-seed

  27. 砸到我儿子的不过是个橡子,一个小小的橡子。

    It was just an acorn that-that hit my son . a little acorn .

  28. 橡子虫蛀率的变化影响鼠类的觅食活动。

    Variation of insect infestation of Quercus serrata acorns can affect rodent foraging activity .

  29. 等离子体法去除甲醛的实验研究橡子挂面的研制

    Formaldehyde Removal with Plasma Research on Acorn Noodle

  30. 橡树从一粒小橡子生长而来。

    The tree grew from a small acorn .