
  • 网络Ceftiofur sodium
  1. 结果显示,头孢噻呋钠脂质体对这五种药酶均表现出一定的抑制作用,但是与空白对照相比,除了对NADPH-细胞色素C还原酶的抑制作用极显著外,其余都无显著性差异。

    The results revealed that ceftiofur sodium liposomes showed inhibition effect on these five drug metabolizing enzymes , the inhibition effect of ceftiofur sodium liposomes on NADPH-cytochrome C reductase was significantly lower than control group , the rest are no significant differences .

  2. 结果表明,小鼠肌肉注射头孢噻呋钠,LD50为1673.02mg/kg;

    The results showed that LD_ ( 50 ) of national ceftiofur sodium on mice by i.m was 1 673.02 mg / kg .

  3. 头孢噻呋钠(ceftiofursodium)是第三代广谱头孢菌素,在兽医临床上被广泛用于治疗家畜的呼吸道疾病和奶牛乳腺炎。

    Ceftiofur sodium is a third generation broad spectrum cephalosporin widely used clinically to treat respiratory diseases and mastitis in livestock via intramuscular ( i.m. ) injection .

  4. 头孢噻呋钠在不同生产阶段猪体内的比较药代动力学研究

    Comparative Pharmacokinetic Study of Ceftiofur Sodium in Pigs of Different Production Stage

  5. 目的头孢噻呋钠制备工艺的研究。

    Objective To study the preparation method of ceftiofur sodium .

  6. 头孢噻呋钠对1日龄雏鸡实验性感染鸡大肠杆菌病的药效试验

    Preventive Efficacy of Ceftiofur sodium on Experimental Escherichia coli . Infection in Day-old Chicks

  7. 头孢噻呋钠脂质体是将头孢噻呋钠包封在脂质体双分子层内所形成的一种混悬剂。

    Ceftiofur sodium liposome is the suspension formed by a lipid bilayer enclosing ceftiofur sodium .

  8. 国产头孢噻呋钠的毒性试验

    Toxicity Experiment of Ceftiofur Sodium

  9. 头孢噻呋钠对21种畜禽常见病原菌的体外抑菌作用

    Study on antibacterial activity of ceftiofur against 21 kinds of common pathogenic bacteria in livestock in vitro

  10. 提示经脂质体包封后的头孢噻呋钠毒性明显下降,安全性提高。

    Conclusion : The liposomes which encapsulated ceftiofur sodium can decreased toxicity , increased security . 4 .

  11. 肝脏和肾脏病理切片结果显示脂质体对小鼠造成的毒性影响明显比头孢噻呋钠小。

    The pathology sections of liver and kidney showed that the toxicity of ceftiofur sodium liposomes to mice was significantly smaller than ceftiofur sodium .

  12. 为了解国产头孢噻呋钠的毒性,进行了小鼠的急性毒性及对鸡的亚慢性毒性试验。

    In order to understand the toxicity of national ceftiofur sodium , the acute toxicity of national ceftiofur sodium on mice and the sub-chronic toxicity on chickens were investigated .

  13. 头孢噻呋钠分子结构稳定,不被β-内酰胺酶破坏,因此不会产生抗药性或交叉抗药性。

    Head spore Sai Fu sodium molecular structure stabilizes , not being destroyed by beta-lactam enzyme , can not produce resistance to drugs or the resistance to drugs alternating therefore .

  14. 试验结果:对鸡大肠杆菌病,头孢噻呋钠粉针治疗组的死亡率为5%~75%,治愈率为90%;

    The result of experiment indicated that in E. coli disease , the mortality of the group of Ceftiofur sodium was 5 % ~ 7.5 % , the cure rate was 90 % ;