
tóu yáo
  • head tremor
头摇[tóu yáo]
  1. 你恐怕已经眉头深锁、头摇得像波浪鼓似的,对我愚蠢的行为不堪苟同。

    You 're probably already making a scrunched up , pinched look with your face and shaking your head at my imbecility .

  2. 她头一摇,头发就散开了。

    She shook her hair loose .

  3. 妈妈头跟著摇。

    The mama 's head spins around .

  4. 弗朗西丝卡咯咯笑了起来,看着金凯的头慢慢来回摇着。

    Francesca giggled and watched Kincaid 's head shake slowly back and forth .

  5. 看看你们能否发现,他在说“是”的时候,他的头却在摇、肩膀在耸。

    See now if you can spot him saying , " yes " while shaking his head " no , " slightly shrugging his shoulders .