
  1. 现代公路钢桥典型细节疲劳问题分析

    Fatigue Problems of Some Typical Details in Modern Steel Highway Bridge Structures

  2. 宋代女性词中典型细节论析

    An Analysis on the Typical Detail of Feminine Ci in the Song Dynasty

  3. 论述飞机结构的典型细节模型;

    Describes typical detail model of aircraft structure ;

  4. 典型细节是指那些对于深化主题、刻画人物、发展情节、显示环境等最具有表现力的一切富有特色的细节。

    He puts the character in a realistic environment with complicated situations and portrays characters through typical actions and details , fluidity of personality and the device of interior monologue .

  5. 飞机典型结构细节&紧固孔随机裂纹扩展分析

    The stochastic crack growth analysis of a typical structural DETAIL-FASTENER hole of aircraft structure

  6. 本文介绍了双细节升降法的试验流程,选取典型结构细节,进行了大子样试验,绘制了升降图。

    Also , this paper makes the serial experiment of the large samples up-and-down method with two details and takes the experiment data in note , and paints the up-and-down chart .

  7. 其中典型的画面细节又往往能给观众留下深刻的印象。

    The typical picture details will make a strong impression on the audience .

  8. 它具有库列绍夫(Kuleshov)的电影风格,融合多种异国情调,既有房子典型的英式细节,又有一些姿态怪异的住户,具有雄心勃勃的全球化价值观。

    It 's a Kuleshov cocktail of exoticism - evident in both the quintessentially English details of the house and its uncannily posed inhabitants - and globalized , aspirant values .