
  • 网络Live painting;tableau vivant
  1. 无知的加拉太人哪,耶稣基督钉十字架,已经活画在你们眼前,谁又迷惑了你们呢。

    O foolish Galatians , who hath bewitched you , that ye should not obey the truth , before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth , crucified among you ?

  2. 脉脉如滋养生命的血,悠悠似活画岁月的墨,平平象照耀天地的镜。

    It 's like the blood that nourishes our life , it 's like the paint that forms the art of time , it 's like the mirror that reflects the beauty of the universe .

  3. 这样的敌我倒置,真是由蒋介石自己招供,活画出他一贯勾结敌伪、消除异己的全部心理了。

    This transposition of the enemy and the Chinese is in truth a confession by Chiang Kai-shek ; it gives a vivid picture of his whole psychology , which is one of consistent collusion with the enemy and puppets and of liquidation of all those not of his ilk .