
huó mìng
  • earn a bare living;scrape along;eke out an existence;save sb.'s life;life
活命 [huó mìng]
  • (1) [scrape along;earn a bare living]∶维持生命

  • 工资低,难以活命

  • (2) [save sb.'s life]∶救人性命

  • 活命之恩

  • [life] 生命;性命

  • 留他一条活命

活命[huó mìng]
  1. 他们仅有活命的钱。

    They barely have enough money to keep body and soul together .

  2. 农民靠丰收才能活命。

    The peasants depend on a good harvest for their very existence .

  3. 为了活命,她拼命抓住边缘。

    She clung to the edge in a desperate attempt to save herself .

  4. 为了活命,他们只好吃人肉。

    They were forced to practise cannibalism in order to survive .

  5. 为了活命,他可以不顾任何人,不择手段。

    He 'd have done anything to anybody to save his own skin .

  6. 他靠卖文活命。

    He found a living in literature .

  7. 过去他靠卖艺活命。

    In the old days he eked out a living as a street entertainer .

  8. 她只能靠喝牛奶活命。

    She existed only on milk .

  9. 上面写着:如果你想活命的话,拨打911。

    It read : Call 911 if you want to live .

  10. 小鲤鱼回答说:“我是东海龙王的臣子,不幸落到这里。您能够给我一些水来救我活命吗?”

    The little crucian carp answered : " I am a subject of the Dragon King of the East China Sea . Unfortunately I fell down here . Can you give me a little water to save my life ? "

  11. 现在,一系列名为奔逃活命(RunForYourLives)的比赛把这两种游戏融为了一体。

    Now , a series of races called ' Run For Your Lives ' are bringing the two together .

  12. 埃洛普给了人们几天时间,去消化这封恐怖的邮件,接着在2月11日又传出一则消息:为了活命而跳入大海,原来是指与微软(Microsoft)展开合作。

    The e-mail , in all its horror , was allowed to sink in for some days , and then on Friday came another message . The life-saving plunge into the sea was to be a plunge into partnership with Microsoft .

  13. 这部《行尸走肉》改编自RobertKirkman、TonyMoore和CharlieAdlard的系列漫画作品,《行尸走肉》说的是一群幸存者在满是丧尸的世界努力活命的故事。

    Based on the comic book series from Robert Kirkman , Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard , ' The Walking Dead ' follows a group of human survivors as they try to stay alive in a zombie-filled world .

  14. 如果你想活命,就别挂断。

    If you want to live , don 't hang up .

  15. 人们用这些糖渣乞求活命!

    And the people pleading for their lives with this scum !

  16. 还想活命的话,就从实招来。

    If you want to live , tell the truth .

  17. 你以为你杀了我还能活命?

    You * Think you 'll be okay after this ?

  18. 我们将为我们活命与生存的权利而战。

    We 're fighting for our right to live , to exit .

  19. 或许他笨到没资格活命。

    Maybe he was just too stupid to be allowed to iive .

  20. 这家人偷食物只是为了活命。

    The family was stealing food just to stay alive .

  21. 不认他的朋友是活命的唯一办法。

    Denying his friend was the only way to survive .

  22. 农民要靠丰收才能活命。

    The peasant depend on a good harvest for their very existence .

  23. 这一家的月收入这么少,怎么活命呢?

    How does the family survive on such a small monthly wage ?

  24. 为了活命我谁都可以干掉。

    I 'll kill all of you to stay alive .

  25. 没有美国就不能活命吗?

    Why can 't we live without the United states ?

  26. 确保他身边的战友活命

    It 's to keep the men around him alive .

  27. 人们不得不在层出不穷的犯罪事件中挣扎活命。

    People had to protect their lives from the crime as well .

  28. 正在看我为了能活命而祈求!

    Who has the right to watch me beg for my life !

  29. 若想活命,确保交易成功。

    Lf you want to live , make sure this deal happens .

  30. 你所做的一切都是为了活命

    You did what you had to do to survive .