
  • 网络piston manometer;Piston pressure gauge
  1. 介绍了磁力传动联轴器的结构、工作原理以及在数字气体活塞压力计上的应用。

    In this paper , the structure and principle of the magnetic force transmission coupling , and how to apply the magnetic force transmission coupling to the digital piston pressure gauge are introduced .

  2. 标准活塞压力计检定电子式井下压力计示值误差测量不确定度评定

    The Assessment on the Uncertainty of Piston Pressure Gauge in Measuring the Indicated Value Error of Electronic Downhole Pressure Meters

  3. 0.05级活塞压力计活塞有效面积测量不确定度评定

    Appraisal of Useful Measuring Area Uncertainty to 0.05 Class Piston Manometer

  4. 运用控制图对二等活塞压力计进行期间核查

    Talking about the Intermediate Checks on Second-class Piston Manometer by Using Control Chart

  5. 计算机在活塞式压力计计量检定中的应用

    The application of a computer to the calibration of a deadweight pressure tester

  6. 影响活塞式压力计技术性能指标因素的分析

    On the Analysis of the Factors of Influencing Technical Performance Index on piston manometer

  7. 活塞式压力计的组成及使用和维护进行了简要的介绍。

    This paper introduces the composition , application and maintain of the piston manometer .

  8. 控制钻头给进的液压缸带平衡液柱活塞式压力计

    Tension-control cylinder piston gauge with equilibrium liquid

  9. 活塞式压力计的正确使用

    The Correct Application of the Piston Manometer

  10. 压力记录仪是地层测试的主力仪表,包括活塞式压力计和计时器。

    Pressure recorder2uu-J containing a timer and a pressure recorder is one of the major instruments using inforimtion tests .

  11. 活塞式压力计底盘平面对活塞轴线垂直度的思考

    Thinking about Verticality between Piston Load - bearing Chassis Flat Surface and Piston Axis during Verification of Piston Pressure Meter

  12. 利用超高压力国家基准对返压活塞式压力计校准的试验研究

    Experimentation and Research for Calibration of Reentry Pressure Dead Weight Piston Gauge by Ultra-high Pressure National ( measurement ) Standard

  13. 本文研究由活塞式压力计的缸-塞系统几何尺寸确定其有效面积的问题。

    This paper is concerned with some problems in determining the effective area of piston gage according to its geometric dimensions .

  14. 通过计算,得出了YU-600型活塞式压力计组成的检定装置的误差值。

    A method for calculating these errors is given on the basis of error analysis of the device for the YU-600 piston-type pressure gage .

  15. 对于活塞式压力计的性能改进以及新型的强制平衡式活塞式压力计和数字式活塞式压力计的研制成功作了不少描述。

    Several improvements on performance of piston gauge and the achievements of the novel forced balanced piston gauge and the digital piston gauge are described here .

  16. 本文将讨论活塞式压力计相关检定项目的影响因素,从而保证其在检定和使用过程中量值传递准确可靠。

    This paper analyses the related influencing factors to the verification items of the piston pressure gauges to ensure the value transfer of the piston gauge is accurate and reliable .

  17. 文章介绍了活塞式压力计的技术性能指标的影响因素,并对其校验方法和提高测试精度的措施进行了分析。

    In this paper was introduced the factors of Influencing technical performance index of piston manometer , and analyzed the calibration and test ways of it and the measures of improving test precision .