
guà suǒ
  • padlock;ring latch
挂锁 [guà suǒ]
  • [padlock] 一种可取下、带有铰接的或装在枢轴上或有时是滑动扣环的锁

挂锁[guà suǒ]
  1. 他们已经在他的公寓门上上了把挂锁。

    They had put a padlock on the door of his flat .

  2. 你可以通过查看浏览器地址栏中是否有HTTPS字样以及挂锁标志,来判断所浏览的网页是否属于安全网站。

    You can tell when you 're on a secure website by seeing " HTTPS " and a padlock in your browser 's address bar .

  3. 她总是用挂锁把自行车锁在栏杆上。

    She always padlocked her bike to the railings .

  4. 门都用挂锁锁着。

    The doors were padlocked .

  5. 埃迪把他的自行车靠在路灯柱上,用挂锁锁好。

    Eddie parked his cycle against a lamp post and padlocked it

  6. 一个旧信箱被挂锁锁着。

    An old mailbox has been padlocked shut .

  7. 巴罗(Barrow)大街的带两间卧室的公寓,这套公寓厨房碗柜上挂着挂锁。

    the Barrow Street two-bedroom with padlocks on the kitchen cupboards ─

  8. 几年后,我们家搬到了果园路(OrchardRoad),那个最年长的红头发的堂兄还来和我玩过,并向我表演如何用回形针打开挂锁的技术。

    Years later , when we had moved to Orchard Road , the redheaded eldest of the cousins came to play with me and showed me how to open a padlock with a bent paper clip .

  9. 其价格超过了一辆新款的梅赛德斯·奔驰(Mercedes)汽车,也比乘游艇环游世界的花费更高。该款CitySteamer的特色是:真鳄鱼皮制作、牛皮内衬、雕刻挂锁、配有名牌及烫印的LV标志。

    More expensive than a new Mercedes and costlier than a cruise around the world , the City Steamer features genuine alligator skin , cowhide lining , an engraved padlock , a nametag , and a hot-stamped LV Circle .

  10. 坯件,贱金属制,用于钥匙锁和挂锁

    Blank , of base metal , for key locks and padlock

  11. 伙计们,门上有把挂锁。

    Guys , there 's a padlock on the door .

  12. 我们在后门上拴了一根链条和一把挂锁。

    We put a chain and a padlock on the back gate .

  13. 我记得我离家去邮局时用挂锁把大门锁上了的。

    I remember padlocking the gate when I left for the post office .

  14. 大门用一把挂锁和一根沉重的钢链锁上了。

    The gates were locked with a padlock and a heavy steel chain .

  15. 起落架下位锁锁定弹簧锁和挂锁钥匙,贱金属制

    Key for locks or padlocks , of base metal

  16. 她真的是用挂锁把我锁在房间里了。

    She literally padlocked me in the room .

  17. 旧挂锁已经锈红了。

    The old padlock was red with rust .

  18. 你是否记得用挂锁把大门锁上?

    Did you remember to padlock the gate ?

  19. 她用挂锁把自行车和栏杆锁在一起。

    She padlocked her bike to the railings .

  20. 结实的挂锁、椅子、墙壁.房间四壁挂起白色绸幔。

    A substantial padlock , chair , wal The walls were hung with white satin .

  21. 挂锁失灵招撬窃。

    A bad padlock invite a picklock .

  22. 用挂锁把自行车锁在栅栏墙上。

    Padlock the bike to the fence .

  23. 尚尤为您提供的该款挂锁厚型设计,更结实耐用。锁身黄铜,锁环是不锈钢材质。

    Traditional style brass bodied padlock with a hardened stainless steel shackle and a double locking mechanism .

  24. 所以她给这口井加了个活动了盖子,用这个挂锁和链子锁上。

    She had therefore had a removable cover made and this was always secured by a padlock and chain .

  25. 你应该买把好的挂锁且总要把你的自行车锁在牢固的东西上,比方说栏杆。

    You should buy a good padlock and always lock your bike to something secure , like a railing .

  26. 由于我的自行车挂锁很高档,没人有本事把它偷走它安全地被锁在办公楼外。

    As my padlock is top-of-the-range , no one can touch my bike which was safely locked outside the office .

  27. 他想打开它,但大锁和挂锁都扣得很紧,这些忠实的守卫者似乎不情愿交出它们的宝藏。

    He sought to open it ; lock and padlock were fastened ; these faithful guardians seemed unwilling to surrender their trust .

  28. 旋钮,挂锁,门拉手,灯具和铜制成的可清洗分离后,他们相同的方式。

    Knobs , padlocks , door handles , and lamps made of brass can be cleaned in the same way after detaching them .

  29. 在以安全性为中心的图表上,这条穿过云的线可能还会在旁边多出一个挂锁以表示这个连接是安全的。

    On security-focused diagrams , the line through the Cloud might include a padlock beside it , to indicate that the connection is secured .

  30. 工作完成后,最后拆下挂锁的人必须报告装置运行准备就绪。

    When the work has been completed , the person who removed his padlock last must report that the plant is again ready for operation .