
ɡuà zhí
  • take (or hold) a temporary position;suspend duties/job;concurrently serve ;serve in a lower level unit for a certain time period while retaining one's position in the higher
挂职 [guà zhí]
  • [higher organizaion delegates a cadre to lower one and appoints a temporary post] 上级部门将干部派到下级部门,委以具体职务培养锻炼一段时间的临时性任职

  • 他挂职期满,又回到冶金部去了

  1. 过去15年执掌NAP时积攒的这些人脉资源将来几乎不可能再重现,她的诸多荣誉、魅力以及激情都随着她的挂职而去而基本烟消云散。

    Those relationships , developed over her 15 years at Net-a-Porter , may prove near impossible to replicate , and much of the lustre , glamour and é lan she brought to the company leaves with her .

  2. 我们不会推荐关键领域的主要科学家(下基层挂职)。

    " We do not recommend leading scientists in key areas " .

  3. 探究个中缘由,制度缺失是导致干部挂职走样和变形的根本原因。

    The fundamental reason is the lack of system .

  4. 第四部分新时期下公务员挂职锻炼政策研究,主要论述了当前实行的公务员挂职锻炼这一干部下放政策在新时期下的一个变革和具体表现;

    Section Four expounds the transformation and exact expression of this policy in new era .

  5. 然而他觉得,仅仅作为一个“挂职”副区长,他不能公开质疑这一计划。

    Being only a'guest'vice-governor , however , he felt he could not challenge the idea openly .

  6. 校企合作、共同管理,提高教师挂职锻炼的实效

    With School-Enterprise Cooperation and Common Management , Improving the Effectiveness of Teachers ' Taking Temporary Post

  7. 拓展视野换位思考&南昌市市政公用事业局挂职工作感

    Broadening of View and Transposition of Standpoint & reflecting on temporary post in Nanchang Municipal Utility Bureau

  8. 例如,最近,投资者和管理顾问们开始对董事“在过多公司挂职”发出警告。

    Lately , for example , investors and governance advisers have started to red-flag directors " " overboarding . "

  9. 选择挂职科学家主要是依据他们研究领域与当地问题的相关程度,以及他们本人参与的意愿。

    Most scientists were selected on the relevance of their research , as well as their willingness to participate .

  10. 另一个延长了在当地挂职时间的科学家是农业生态学家曾馥平。

    Another scientist who has extended his stay away from his institute is Zeng Fuping , an agricultural ecologist .

  11. 他建议说,挂职科学家的原单位应该为返回的科学家提供一个稳定过渡时期,并为他们恢复研究提供经济援助。

    He suggests that the original institutes should give their returning scientists a stable transition period and financial support to resume their studies .

  12. 通过阐述大学生挂职锻炼活动的地位作用,对如何组织建立有效的大学生挂职锻炼活动运行机制提出有效建议。

    By expounding on its importance and functions the paper makes some useful proposals on how to establish effectively operational devices for the campaign .

  13. 同时,中科院要求下属研究所为挂职的科学家提供经济援助,让他们可以继续他们的研究。

    In the meantime , it has asked its institutes to provide financial assistance for scientists on secondment , so they can continue their research .

  14. 次日晚上,看见月亮还是好好地挂职在天上,她温柔的光辉依旧照耀着一切,我心中便暗暗得意,以为是我留下它来的。

    Morrow night , when the moon was as usual , her gentle effulgence and enlightening everything as well , I proudly considered this as my contribution .

  15. 为了更好地培养高职学生的职业能力,要转变思想观念、优化教育教学工作的各个环节、做好学生工作、鼓励教师挂职锻炼、积极开展校内职业能力培训、注重学生综合职业能力的培养。

    In order to better training of it , we should embrace new ideas and concepts , optimize teaching work , do the work of students , etc.

  16. 为了促进农村地区的工作,每年都有大批的干部挂职下放

    Every year , a large number of cadres , with their posts retained , are transferred to work in rural areas in order to promote the work there

  17. 干部挂职作为中国干部人事管理制度的重要组成部分,在培养干部人才促进区域协调发展、提高执政能力等方面发挥了重要作用。

    Sending cadres as the important part of Chinese personnel management systems , plays an important role . In training cadres , promoting coordinated regional development and improving governing capacity .

  18. 目前,干部挂职已成为培养高素质干部的一种有效形式和途径,为我们的干部体制和不同地区的发展带来了生机和活力。

    At present , the system of titular cadres has become an effective way and form , that has brought vigor and vitality for our cadre system and the development of different regions .

  19. 本文将顺着理论探析、现状分析、国外公务员交流制度的研究、对策建议的思路,对湖南干部挂职制度作一个研究。

    This article will study the system of titular cadre in Hunan following the theory of foreign exchange system , the study of civil servants , the status quo analysis , the idea of countermeasures .

  20. 文章介绍了近年学校采取的选派优秀研究生干部到地方任职和挂职的具体做法,以及在实践中的体会。

    This article introduces the various measures adopted by the university in recent years for selecting and assigning the outstanding graduate cadres to the local areas temporarily , the consideration and understanding gained from these practices .

  21. 通过本人一年来在政府部门挂职工作的经历和体会,使自己拓展了视野,丰富了阅历,更新了观念,有效地提高了自身在工作中换位思考和统筹协调能力。

    One-year work on temporary post in a government department broadens the view , enriches the experience , renews the concept and , what 's more , enhances the working ability and capability of transposition of standpoint .

  22. 新世纪初,她远赴陕西周至老县城任挂职县委副书记,开始生态文学创作。

    Zhouzhi , an old county in Shanxi , she went and became a deputy secretary in the county committee at the beginning of the new century , and she began the creation of ecological literature works there .

  23. 即便在日本,优衣库时常被称为黑工厂。因为按照日本人的标准,它的员工流失率过高&不到三年,新招募的全部员工就有一半挂职而去。

    Even at home , Uniqlo is sometimes labelled as a black company because of a high , by Japanese standards , staff turnover rate that sees half of all new recruits leave the company within three years .

  24. 无独有偶,又有传言称央视招牌节目《面对面》主持人王志将身赴云南丽江,挂职“副市长”。

    Not come singly but in pairs , also some rumors said that CCTV the advertisement program " Face-to-face " director Wang Zhi goes to the body the Yunnan Lijiang , presents one 's credentials " deputy mayor " .

  25. 即便在日本,优衣库时常被称为“黑工厂”。因为按照日本人的标准,它的员工流失率过高——不到三年,新招募的全部员工就有一半挂职而去。

    Even at home , Uniqlo is sometimes labelled as a " black company " because of a high , by Japanese standards , staff turnover rate that sees half of all new recruits leave the company within three years .

  26. 然后针对问题,慎重借鉴职业生涯管理有关理论,分别探讨了职位变动管理、轮岗培训、动态导师制、挂职和评估反馈等对策。

    Then aims at the problems , and under the direction of career management theories , probes the measures of management of position transfer , training with position transfer , system of dynamic tutor , hang the job and evaluation and feedback etc.

  27. 与艺术领域发展比较先进、发达的省市建立人才交流机制,探索开展艺术人才互派挂职锻炼平台,拓展艺术人才的学习交流平台。

    Establish a mechanism of the personnel exchange with provinces and cities in which the art developments is relatively advanced and developed . Explore developing the platform of interchange exercise and take a temporary post , expand the learning and exchanging platform .

  28. 完善文化艺术行政管理单位党政人才、艺术企业经营管理人才、艺术专业技术人才交流和挂职锻炼制度,建立完善低职高聘和高职低聘等补充性办法。

    Improve the cultural administrative unit of government personnel , art talent of business management of enterprise , art professional technical personnel exchanges and training system for sending , establish and improve the vocational school and vocational low retainer and complementary approaches .

  29. 通过在上海杨浦区挂职锻炼的三个月的工作中,深刻认识到上海政府机关先进的管理理念和经济快速发展的经验是值得我们学习和借鉴的。

    Through three-month work with original post in Yangpu , Shanghai , the writer deeply understands that the advanced management idea of the government and the experience of rapid development of the economy is worth being learned by us and used for reference .