
guà hào
  • register;registration;send by registered mail
挂号 [guà hào]
  • (1) [register]∶领取号码以按次序进行所要进行的事项

  • 请排队挂号

  • (2) [send by registered mail]∶重要信件和印刷品付邮时由邮电局登记编号、给收据,叫挂号

  • 寄挂号保险

挂号[guà hào]
  1. 请给我把这个挂号邮寄。

    Can I register this , please ?

  2. 请排队挂号。

    Please queue up to register .

  3. 这个邮件要挂号。

    I 'd like to send this recorded delivery .

  4. 他让他妈妈用挂号邮件寄。

    He asked his mother to send it by registered mail .

  5. 对于大额的支票和汇款单要使用挂号邮寄。

    Use recorded delivery for large cheques or money orders .

  6. 你这封信要不要挂号?

    Do you want to have this letter registered ?

  7. 挂号电子邮件协议需要具备保密性、不可否认性及公平性

    There are some goals of Certified E-mail Protocol : confidentiality non-repudiation and fairness .

  8. 信件和包裹的挂号

    the registration of letters and parcels

  9. 便利老年人日常就医,包括提供多渠道挂号等就诊服务、优化老年人网上办理就医服务。

    The plan urged efforts to help the elderly make medical treatment appointments by providing diversified channels and improving the way online appointments are made .

  10. 一个人去乡村邮电所取挂号信。信来了,可工作人员却不给他。“我怎么知道这信是你的?”工作人员说。

    A man came not give it to the man . " How can I know that the letter is for you ? " he asked .

  11. 否定句中用can'thavedone。她一定已经收到包裹了,我是用挂号寄的。

    She must have received the parcel , I sent it by registered post .

  12. 基于面向对象技术,采用UML开发医院网上挂号预约系统。

    The hospital online registration booking system was designed by the method of UML modeling that based on object oriented technology .

  13. NET平台下数据库应用的实现,并结合一个实例&门诊挂号子系统,探讨了基于组件的逻辑上三层结构的数据库应用的实现过程。

    Net . Finally , combining with an example , the register of hospital clinic , the process of realizing the database application is discussed based on the component .

  14. 我出示了我的HMO医保卡,然后交了15美元的挂号费。

    I have to present my HMO card and pay the co-pay of $ 15.00 .

  15. 针对移动预约挂号系统特点,在移动客户端应用程序的设计上采用了MVC、Proxy、Facade等多种设计模式;

    On the designing of mobile client application , different design patterns are adopted as MVC , Proxy , and Facade etc because of the characteristic of Mobile Appointment System .

  16. 患者在院期间只需持卡(IC卡、磁卡或VIP卡),就可轻松实现分诊挂号、就诊、缴费、结算。

    Patients in the hospital only during CARDS ( IC card , magnetic card or VIPcard ), can easily achieve registered , see a doctor , payment and settlement .

  17. 电子商务中的一些协议大多建立在可信第三方TTP(trustedthirdparty)的基础上,挂号电子邮件协议采用的离线TTP协议在某种程度上解决了TTP的瓶颈问题。

    Most protocols of electronic commerce are made upon Trusted Third Party ( TTP ) . To use off-line TTP protocol for the certified E-mail protocol solves the TTP bottleneck problem in some degree .

  18. NET平台,与医院的HIS系统连接,将挂号、付款、取药、化验与排队结合起来,实现就诊过程的多媒体管理。

    NET terrace , and conjoin with the HIS system of the hospital , will register , payment , take a medicine , analyze and line up to see a doctor knot to put together , carry out a multi-media management of seek medical advice the process .

  19. 第六章以旅游电子票和手机挂号为例,研究了RFID-SIM手机支付技术的应用模式。

    Chapter VI of the tourism e-tickets and mobile phones registered as an example , the RFID-SIM mobile payment technology model .

  20. 然后结合J2ME与J2EE在移动应用中的优势,提出设计基于J2ME和J2EE的移动预约挂号系统,考虑到可维护性、可重用性与可扩展性,系统采用了J2EE四层架构;

    Then , the Mobile Appointment System based on J2ME and J2EE is proposed to attach the predominance of J2ME and J2EE in mobile application . With consideration of maintaining , reusing and extending of the system , J2EE 4-Tier architecture is adopted in the system .

  21. 例如,如果一个患者已在一个组织中挂过号,那么这个服务就可以使用一个由HIN提供的外部服务将这个病人在整个护理社区内挂号。

    For example , when a patient is registered within an organization , the service may use an external service provided by the HIN to register the patient for the entire community of care .

  22. 他去邮局寄了封挂号信。

    He went to the post office and registered a letter .

  23. 医院门诊挂号管理系统的功能与应用

    Function And Application Of The Register Management System Is Outpatient Clinic

  24. 你得签收两封挂号信。

    There are two registered letters for you to sign for .

  25. 挂号加超重,总共5美元。

    Registration plus overweight * err * 5 dollars in all .

  26. 可以啊,但不是在这儿。你挂号了吗?

    Do I have to come back here after getting registered ?

  27. 我们最好把货物由海陆挂号托运到巴西。

    We 'd better have the sea cargo registered to Brazil .

  28. 初诊挂号在那个窗口。

    Registration for initial visits is at the counter over there .

  29. 我想往法国寄一封航空挂号信。

    I want t send a registered airmail letter to france .

  30. 既然那样您最好寄挂号信。

    In that case , you 'd better have it registered .