
  1. 方法成立护理质量管理委员会,下设压疮管理委员会、服务品质管理委员会、护理文件管理委员会、护理科研论文管理委员会、医院感染管理委员会、护理差错事故管理委员会6个分会。

    MethodA nursing management committee was set up , which constitutes of six branches , including pressure ulcer management , quality control , nursing documentation management , scientific research management , hospital infection control , and nursing errors management .

  2. 虽然各级医院都已经建立了医院感染管理委员会,由于缺少专业技术编制,管理人员不到位,没有起到应有的作用。

    While hospitals have been established many levels of hospital infection management committee , but because of the lack of professional and technical constraints , the corresponding sections of the hospital personnel are not worked . they cannot play their due role . 4 .