
  • 网络Medical evacuation;medevac
  1. 一个医疗后送直升机投下了阴影,因为它靠近1月26日马尔杰土地。

    A medevac helicopter casts a shadow as it lands near Marjah on Jan.26 .

  2. 成批烧伤伤员医疗后送方案研究

    Study the Project of Medical Evacuation for Batches Burn Wound

  3. 医疗后送研究方法选择与应用

    Application and Choosing of Academic Research Methods of Medical Evacuation

  4. 汶川抗震救灾医疗后送调查分析及思考

    Analysis and Reflections on Medical Evacuation in Wenchuan Earthquake Relief

  5. 非致命武器对医疗后送的影响及其对策

    Impact and Countermeasure of Nonfatal Weapon on Medical Evacuation

  6. 而先进的医疗后送理论和研究方法亦蕴含着潜在的战斗力。

    Potential battle effectiveness hides in advanced theory and research method of medical evacuation .

  7. 实行分级救治和医疗后送;

    Implementing grading treatment and medical evacuation ;

  8. 新作战理论的形成给医疗后送理论的发展不断带来新的机遇和挑战。

    New theory of war brings new opportunity and challenge to theory of medical evacuation .

  9. 伤病员通常经过2-3个医疗后送阶梯的治疗。

    ( 9 ) These patients were often taken 2-3 medical evacuation phases for treatment . 2 .

  10. 每个计划包括的范围为紧急医疗后送,校际体育,恐怖主义行为和更多!

    Each plan includes coverage for Emergency Medical Evacuation , Intercollegiate Sports , Acts of Terrorism and more !

  11. 如果遇到最坏的情况,最好是考虑紧急医疗后送方案。

    For the worst-case scenario , it is also a good idea to consider an emergency medical evacuation program .

  12. 根据医疗后送的工作流程,建立了医疗后送的概念模型,可描述伤员从产生到救治后送的一系列运动过程。

    Based on the work flow of medical evacuation , the conceptual model is built to describe a series of movement processes from the generation of the wounded to medical evacuation .

  13. 第一、二年兵秋冬季发病率占各自年发病数的79%和73.7%;此类病人通常经过2-3个医疗后送阶梯的治疗。

    The incidence of acute gastroenteritis in winter and autumn respectively accounted for 79 % and 73.7 % of annual number , and these patients often take 2-3 medical evacuation phases for treatment .

  14. 从体系收治看基层医疗机构过度后送问题

    The Excessive Evacuation of the Sub-unit Hospital from the Systematic View Points

  15. 卫勤医疗功能主要由单兵医疗、分类后送、医学影像、远程医疗、统计上报等子系统组成;

    Medical management is composed of medical treatment of single soldier , classification and evacuation , medical photography , long-distance medical treatment , statistics and report .

  16. 劫持恐怖医疗救援的主要内容包括:伤病员的医疗救治和后送、卫生防疫、卫生防护、医疗保健等。

    The medical succor for hijack terror includes treatment and transportation of the wounded , sanitation for epidemic prevention , protection from harmful agents , and medical health care .