
  • 网络Maximum efficiency;maximum performance;Max Performance;maximum efficacy;maximal efficacy;Max. Performance
  1. 人才,是企业制胜必不可少的资源,让人力资源发挥最大效能是确保企业持续发展的根本。

    Talent is essential to winning business resources and human resources to enable maximum performance to ensure the sustainable development of the fundamental business .

  2. 指出表面活性剂只有在体系温度≥KP的条件下使用时,才能形成胶束和达到降低表面张力的最大效能。

    Only when surfactants are used under system temperature ≥ KP , can it occur micelle-forming and reaching maximum effectiveness in surface tension reduction .

  3. 最后,您将使用不受垃圾收集器控制的存储器设计和实现一个RT应用程序,发现使您的RTJava应用程序发挥最大效能的提示与技巧。

    Finally , you will design and implement an RT application using memory that 's not controlled by the garbage collector and discover tips and tricks for getting the most from your RT Java application .

  4. 通过大胆创新和实践,逐步构建适合LNG行业的高效维修管理模式,实现设备安全可靠运行,发挥设备的最大效能,从而最终实现上海LNG公司的经济收益和社会效益。

    Through bold innovation and practice , we try to gradually construct the efficient maintenance management pattern suit for LNG industry so as to realize the safe and reliable operation of equipment , seek maximum efficiency for equipment and maximize the economic and social benefit of Shanghai LNG Company Ltd.

  5. 调整工作椅子或者购买一张能发挥最大效能的矫正工作台。

    Adjust your work chair or purchase an ergonomically correct one .

  6. 基于最大效能的目标机动策略研究

    A Study of Object Maneuvering Strategy Based on the Most Efficiency

  7. 如何使大型医疗设备发挥最大效能之我见

    How to make the best use of large-scale medical equipments

  8. 但对我们这些凡夫俗子来说,如何能使自己的电池发挥最大效能呢?

    But what can the rest of us do to make the most of our batteries ?

  9. 因此,为确保现场各要素最大效能的发挥,必须对人质危机现场实施封锁控制。

    In order to exert efficacy of every factor in field , we must seal thehostage crisis field .

  10. 阳光动力号飞机项目的主席博特兰德·皮卡德表示这架飞机上的每一个细节都是出于最大效能考虑而设计。

    Chairman of the Solar Impulse project Bertrand Piccard says every detail on the airplane is designed for maximum efficiency .

  11. 针对该车系统使用后暴露的不足,提出了相应的改进方法建议,力求发挥其对卫勤保障作用的最大效能。

    By analyzing operation capability , the advantages and disadvantages are found , and then corresponding improvement is proposed to educe efficiency of medical support .

  12. 而通信子网中的路由、交换设备始终无法发挥最大效能,往往是尽最大可能交付传递数据流,是透明地。

    The routing , and communication subnet exchange equipment still cannot maximum efficiency , often is the best possible delivery transfer data flow , is transparent .

  13. 目标通过对自身和导弹的状态估计,估计出相对导弹作不同机动时所获得的效能,并以最大效能为最优机动形式。

    By estimating the state of a missile , the efficiency of object maneuvering is gained , and the highest efficiency is taken as the optimized maneuvering .

  14. 人力资源管理的核心内容是通过各种有效的激励使员工发挥出最大效能,从而提高组织业绩。

    The core of human source management is to explode out the potential of the staff through means of incentive methods , and this consequentially gains more achievements for the organism .

  15. 本章主张建立以公平为基础、效率为主导的社会保障导向机制,是基于发挥有限的社会保障资源的最大效能这一角度出发的。

    This chapter proposes to establish a social security orientation mechanism based on fairness for the purpose of efficiency , in order to make full use of the social security resource .

  16. 通过对目标机动方式的分析,提出了一种基于最大效能的机动策略,并进行了仿真试验,结果表明效果良好。

    In this paper , by analyzing the maneuvering method of object , the maneuvering strategy is presented based on the highest efficiency . The simulation result shows that the effect is good .

  17. 运行机制的良好有序运作能够保证整个团队工作的顺利进行并且更好的促进创新团队持续发展,从而发挥其最大效能。

    A sound and ordered operation mechanism is the guarantee for the successful development of the whole team and the sustainable improvement of innovative teams so as to give full play to its performance .

  18. 以氧乙炔火焰喷涂工艺与选择喷涂层为手段,着力于提高汽车试验台转鼓表面附着系数,以获取汽车驱动力矩最大效能。

    By means of oxyacetylene flame spraying and selection of different coating , surface adhesion factor of automobile drum type machine are improved , thus resulting in the maximum efficiency of vehicle drive moment .

  19. 激发学生的积极性、主动性,发挥学生潜力,营造和谐有序的教育环境,使思想政治教育教学发挥出最大效能。

    Positive , active that stir up the student , develop student 's potential , construct the education environment that diapason have preface , make the thought political education teaching sending forth the biggest effect .

  20. 如何贯彻《立法法》精神,完善行政立法工作,在行政执法中发挥行政自由裁量权的最大效能并避免其被滥用,是本文研究的重点。

    The purpose of this article is to make research on how to implement the spirit of " A Provision on Making Law " and make the best of the administrative free decisive right while prevent it from being abused .

  21. 通过把应用逻辑和过程逻辑相分离,把人、信息和应用工具合理组织在一起,过程集成发挥了系统的最大效能,为企业更好的实现经营目标提供了先进的手段。

    By separating the application logic from the process logic and organizing humans , information and application tools together properly , process integration not only makes the system most efficient , but also helps the enterprise achieve its business goal .

  22. 篮球运动是集体类通常对抗性项目,攻守平衡时篮球运动发展的内部运动,场上五名队员必须团结协作、并通过合理、有效的技战术组合使之发挥最大效能。

    Basketball is a collective classes usually confrontational projects , balanced offensively when basketball movement development , the internal movement of the pitch five players must solidarity and collaboration , and through reasonable and effective technology and tactics combination to maximize efficiency .

  23. 达到的预期效果是:采用刀具监控管理系统,合理的使用切削刀具,提高生产效率,降低生产成本,充分发挥了刀具的最大效能;

    The expect results are : adopted the advanced network and control techniques , and the tool monitoring management system , to increase production efficiency , to lower the production cost , to bring into play the biggest effect that the tools have ;

  24. 本文对其接口信号进行的分析比较研究,对于数字电视信号的高质量传输,硬件设备的合理配置以及充分发挥音视频设备的最大效能,具有重要的实践意义。

    In this paper , interface signal of the digital televisions set-top-box is analyzed and studied , it is of significance to high quality transmission , effective scheme of hardware system and exerting the most efficiency of the audio and video equipment of digital television signal .

  25. 通过对安全管理体系运行过程中存在问题的分析,提出针对性的纠正和预防措施,以确保体系正常有效运行,充分发挥其最大效能,达到公司所确立的安全和环保方针目标。

    The paper analyzes the problems existing in the running of the safety management system ( SMS ), provides pertinence measurement and prevent method , in order to ensure the system running effectively , exerting the most power , and reaching the goal of safety and environment protection .

  26. 课程发展或改革过程的过程也是教育教学过程通过内容、活动及方式的改变来达到教学的最大效能,从而促进学校效能的整体提升的过程。

    The reform and improvement of curriculum is so essential for education reform and school effectiveness and relies heavily on the change of teaching contents , activities and arrangements , to achieve a maximum efficiency in teaching and learning and thus an effectiveness enhancement of the whole school .

  27. 通过上述改革和完善的措施能真正形成纵向指挥有力、横向协作紧密、运转高效有序的职务犯罪侦查一体化机制,充分发挥其最大效能,全面提升检察机关惩处职务犯罪的职能作用。

    Through these reforms and measures can really form a strong vertical conductor , transverse collaborate , efficient and orderly operation the Crimes Investigation integration mechanism , give full play to their maximum effectiveness , to enhance the functional role of procuratorial organs to punish the crimes committed .

  28. 只有正确的选择使用才能发挥出最大的效能。

    Only the etudes being selected and used properly can the highest efficiency be achieved .

  29. 加强网络建设,使评教能真正发挥最大的效能。

    Strengthens the network construction , causes to comment teaches to be able to display the biggest potency truly .

  30. 通过激励机制使其发挥最大的效能,是企业保持核心竞争力的关键。

    Through the incentive mechanism of the maximum efficiency , is the enterprise keep the core competitiveness of the key .