
  • 网络shortest path algorithm;Dijkstra;dijkstra algorithm;Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm;Dijkstra's Shortest Path First Algorithm
  1. 基于数据库中间件与GIS实现的最短路径算法

    Implementation of Shortest Path Algorithm Based on Database Middle-ware & GIS

  2. 蚁群最短路径算法优化及其在GIS中的应用研究

    Shortest Path Algorithm of Ant Colony Optimization and Its Application in GIS Research

  3. 一种基于移动Agent的最短路径算法

    A Mobile Agent Based Shortest Path Routing Algorithm

  4. 随机时间依赖网络的K期望寿命最短路径算法研究

    Reliability K Expected Life Shortest Paths in Stochastic Time-dependent Networks

  5. 基于Petri网的交通运输网络最短路径算法

    The Shortest Route Algorithm Based on Petri Net in Transportation Network

  6. 通过对此算法的改进,完善了基于Dijkstra算法的前N条最短路径算法。

    Through improvement on the algorithm , the Dijkstra-based N-Shortest-Paths algorithm is consummated .

  7. 本文基于图论中的最短路径算法,提出了一种求解前n条最短路径的小偏差量δ算法。

    The paper proposes a slim deviation δ method based on the algorithm for finding the n shortest paths in graph theory .

  8. 提出了一种基于脉冲耦合神经网络(Pulse-CoupledNeuralNetwork,PCNN)的最短路径算法。

    Proposed shortest-path algorithm using slightly modified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network .

  9. Dijkstra及基于Dijkstra的前N条最短路径算法在智能交通系统中的应用

    Application of Dijkstra and Dijkstra-based N-Shortest-Paths Algorithm to Intelligent Transportation Systems

  10. 基于CSR存储的三维网格最短路径算法

    A Shortest Path Algorithm Based-on Compressed Storage Format of 3D Mesh

  11. 目前,我们实现的转换系统已经可以把C语言描述的一些经典算法转换为Java程序,如最短路径算法,快速排序算法等。

    Now , transformation system we implemented has already transformed some typical algorithms described by c such as shortest path algorithm , quick sort algorithm into Java program .

  12. DW最短路径算法及在逻辑图自动布线中的应用

    DW Shortest Path Algorithm and Its Application in Logic Diagram Routing

  13. Dijkstra最短路径算法的一种高效率实现

    An Efficient Implementation of Shortest Path Algorithm Based on Dijkstra Algorithm

  14. Dijkstra最短路径算法优化策略

    Optimization strategies of the Dijkstra 's shortest route algorithm

  15. 基于Dijkstra最短路径算法的优化研究

    Optimization Studies Based on Shortest Path Algorithm of Dijkstra

  16. 一种基于Dijkstra的海量空间数据最短路径算法

    A new shortest path algorithm for massive spatial data based on Dijkstra algorithm

  17. 路由选择采用K条最短路径算法进行,备选路由集中首选最佳路由时考虑链路的代价,跳数和每一条链路上不可用波长数。

    We adopt K shortest paths into routing and choose the best route in them considering link costs , links hops and the number of no-utilized wavelength in a link .

  18. Floyd最短路径算法的动态优化

    Dynamic Optimum of Shortest Path 's Algorithm Devised by Floyd

  19. 基于Kruskal算法的最短路径算法研究

    Investigation of a shortest path algorithm based on Kruskal algorithm

  20. 第五章通过对现有最短路径算法的分析比较,在对Dijkstra最短路径算法改进研究的基础上,实现了基于GIS平台的废弃物物流网络最短路径算法。

    The fifth chapter performs analysis on typical shortest path algorithms , through which it selects and determines the most efficient shortest path algorithm based on the improved Dijkstra arithmetic .

  21. 在经典Dijkstra最短路径算法的基础上,从简化路网与算法本身两个角度提出了改进的思路。

    Based on Dijkstra shortest path algorithm , the thesis suggests improvement in ways of simplifying the network and improving the algorithm itself .

  22. 在最短路径算法方面主要是研究了Dijkstra算法和Floyd算法。这两种算法都是最短路径中较为常用的算法。

    The research on the optimal path algorithm mainly describe the Dijkstra and Floyd algorithm , which are more commonly used .

  23. 本文改进了DijKstra最短路径算法.改进算法不实施DijKstra算法的重复循环,而作映射或链接处理,提高了效率。

    DijKstra shortest path algorithm has been improved , in which we don 't carry out operation of the repetitive cycle of the DijKstra algorithm .

  24. 对现有的最短路径算法做了比较分析,选择了Dijkstra算法作为在哈尔滨交通道路网中进行路径分析的算法。

    We do comparative analysis for existing shortest path algorithms , and choose Dijkstra algorithm as the path analysis algorithm in Harbin traffic road network .

  25. 最后设计了结合扫描启发式算法(sweep算法)和最短路径算法Floyd算法的遗传算法用来解决非满载车辆优化调度问题,取得了很好的效果。

    Combined with Sweep algorithm and Floyd algorithm , a genetic algorithm is applied in vehicle optimum distribution , and the new algorithm is effective by tests .

  26. 在一些经典的最短路径算法的基础上,提出了一种Dijkstra最短路径算法的高效率实现方法。

    Combined with some classic shortest path algorithms , this paper presents an efficient method of realize the shortest path algorithm which is based on Dijkstra algorithm .

  27. 在此基础上给出了具有线性形式的四边形法则[3]和2nd、3rd费用网络并构造了具有准单调收敛性的最短路径算法。

    Then a quadrangle rule which is of linear form , the 2nd cost and the 3rd cost network are given and the shortest path algorithm which possesses quasi monotonic convergence can be constructed .

  28. 在最短路径算法中,结合带宽分配的特殊性,参考了二重扫除算法和第K条最大可用带宽路径算法的查找过程,提出了适合本课题特殊情况的算法过程。

    The shortest path algorithm , combined with the special nature of bandwidth allocation , refers to the double sweep algorithm and the Kth widest available bandwidth path section of the search process is proposed for the special circumstances of the subject algorithm process .

  29. 第三章拓扑结构构建,说明了拓扑结构构建的重要性,以网络图论、空间网络构成及MO中拓扑结构相关理论为基础,设计了拓扑构建方案,为最短路径算法提供数据基础;

    The third chapter deals with the construction of topology structure . It explains the importance of topology structure and designs its scheme based on network graph theory , spatial network components and the theory of topology structure in MO.

  30. 针对运输车辆的路径选择问题,本文将Floyd最短路径算法整合到车辆监控仿真系统中,并探讨了车辆监控系统仿真中GIS的数据模型和GIS地图的输出显示技术。

    Aiming at the problem of transportation vehicles routing selection , the paper conforms Floyd arithmetic to Vehicle Monitoring Simulating System . The paper lastly discusses GIS data model and output display technique of maps of Vehicle Monitoring System simulation .