
  1. 自适应网格是80年代以后发展起来且被认为是目前最完善面又精确的一种崭新的网格生成方法。

    The adaptive mesh developed in80'is now considered the most perfect and more accurate method of grid generation .

  2. 基于GA与SVM的最危险滑动面识别

    Recognition of critical slip surface based on GA and SVM

  3. Bishop法自动搜索均质边坡最危险滑动面

    Automatic searching most dangerous sliding surface of a homogeneous slope based on Bishop method

  4. 对于bcc金属,原子密排(110)晶面的表面能最低,而fcc金属中最密排面是(111)晶面,其表面能也是最低的。

    For the fcc-metals , the close-packed ( 111 ) surface energy is the lowest of these index surfaces .

  5. 根据技术规程,建立了一个自动搜索最危险滑动面并计算最优土钉长度的方法,并利用Visualc++语言编写了相应的计算程序。

    According to the technique regulations , a method is offered to search automatically the most critical slip surface and calculate the optimal soil nail length . Furthermore , the corresponding program is compiled with Visual C + + .

  6. 基于圆弧滑动面的假定和遗传算法的思想,提出1种用遗传算法(CA)搜索边坡最危险滑动面及其对应的最小安全系数的方法。

    Based on the assumption of circular slip surface and idea of genetic algorithm , a method which uses genetic algorithm to determine the most dangerous slip surface and the corresponding minimum safety factor is presented .

  7. 将该方法采用MATLAB编程,实现最危险滑移面搜索过程的可视化,通过算例分析验证了该方法的适用性。

    The most dangerous sliding surface search was realized through MATLAB programming , the programming also provides a visualization output for the calculation result . The applicability of the method in this paper was verified by engineering examples .

  8. 最后采用GEO-SLOPE软件搜索目前状态下Ⅱ区边坡的最危险滑动面并计算边坡的稳定性系数。

    In addition , it search for the most dangerous slip surface of slope through the Geo-slope software under the current state and calculate the slope stability factor .

  9. 通过在简单遗传算法(SGA)中引入适应度变换技术改进其收敛性能,提出了节理破碎岩体边坡稳定性分析和最危险滑动面搜索的自适应遗传算法(AGA)。

    A fitness scaling technique is introduced into simple genetic alogrithm ( SGA ) to improve its convergence performance and an adaptive genetic algorithm ( AGA ) is proposed for the stability analysis and the most dangerous slip surface search of broken jointed rock slope .

  10. 土体最危险破坏面确定方法

    Method of determining the most danger failure surface of soil

  11. 最危险滑动面及其稳定系数的确定。

    The determination of the critical slip surface and the corresponding stability factor .

  12. 边坡最危险滑动面全局搜索的模拟退火算法及改进

    Simulated Annealing Algorithm of Global Search for Critical Sliding Surface of Slope and Improvements

  13. 边坡稳定性分析的关键是如何确定最危险滑动面。

    Defining the most dangerous failure surface in slope stability analysis is a key point .

  14. 自编程序搜索出两个控制剖面所对应的最危险滑动面位置,分别对该滑坡进行了门架式双排抗滑桩、预应力锚索抗滑桩加固方案设计,并对这两种加固方法进行了比较。

    The reinforce scheme was designed using portal double row anti-sliding piles and prestress anchor cable .

  15. 加速混合遗传算法在搜索边坡最危险滑动面中的应用

    Application of accelerating hybrid genetic algorithm to searching for the most dangerous slip surface of slope

  16. 按此方法识别了本区渐新一上新统的三级层序以及层序边界年龄和最大海泛面年龄。

    By this means , the ages of Oligocene-Pliocene sequence boundaries and flooding surfaces are determined .

  17. 边坡稳定性的关键问题是确定最危险滑动面(潜在最危险滑动面)和边坡的稳定系数。

    How to ascertain the sliding surface and the factor of safety ( FS ) is the key problem of slope stability .

  18. 对最危险滑动面随时间的变化进行研究,回归暴雨期间边坡稳定性系数&入渗时间方程式。

    Studied on the change of stability factors with time and the equation between stability and time is linear regression for rainstorm .

  19. 基于前面建立的研究区典型土层,分析不同波浪重现期下的海底斜坡抗剪切破坏安全系数和最危险滑动面所在的深度。

    The anti-shear failure safety factor and slide depth were calculated based on the established typical stratum under waves with different return periods .

  20. 基于圆弧滑动面假定,提出了一种用自适应遗传算法搜索最危险滑动面及其对应的最小安全系数的新方法。

    The most dangerous sliding surface and the corresponding minimum stability coefficient of the deep excavations can be determined by using Equa-Arc algorithm .

  21. 研究表明,随降雨历时的增加边坡的安全系数逐渐变小,边坡最危险滑动面有向浅层发展的趋势。

    The result indicated that with the delay of rainfall the slope safety lowered accordingly and the unstable sliding plane was the shallow slide .

  22. 第二步,变动滑动面位置计算稳定系数,寻找稳定系数最小的滑动面作为最危险滑动面。

    Second , after calculating a series of factors of assumed slip surfaces , the minimum one is token as the critical slip surface .

  23. 而搜索临界滑裂面的过程,采用粒子群法或和声法搜索最危险滑动面。

    For locating the critical failure surface , the particle swarm or the harmony method is used , which is an upper bound approach .

  24. 再者,运用瑞典条分法对寻找最危险滑移面,并就此危险滑移面进行支护后的整体稳定性验算,验证设计的可靠性。

    Thirdly , it uses Sweden strip method to find the most danger slippage face , and makes checking computation on its stability after supporting .

  25. 相比较传统方法,本方法对于外界条件基本没有特殊要求,只要能成功的以数据文件的形式刻画出边坡的特性(几何特性、边界条件、外界作用)就能够成功的搜索到最危险滑动面。

    Compared with traditional methods this method demands less condition . If data file can be setup correctly it can search the critical slip curve successfully .

  26. 发现在确定了安全系数计算方法的前提下,最危险滑动面搜索问题科以转化为求多极值多元函数在可行域上最小值问题。

    Found that the most dangerous slip surface search problem is actually solving the problem of the minimum of the Multimodal Multivariate Functions in the feasible region .

  27. 并用该方法分析了各种土质情况下土钉支护的最危险滑动面位置和最小安全系数。

    The position of the most dangerous sliding surface and the minimum safety factors of soil nailing support in different soil mass conditions were studied by this method .

  28. 为了方便,只计算了按安全系数法搜索最危险滑动面上的可靠度指标。

    For convenience , only the reliability index of the dangerous gliding plane is given , and the dangerous gliding plane is searched by the safety coefficient method .

  29. 提出利用混沌变异的演化算法结合基于适应值大小顺序的选择算子,确定边坡最危险滑动面及其对应的安全系数的方法。

    An evolution program based on annealing chaos mutation operator and modified select operator is used to determine the most dangerous slip surface and the corresponding safety factor .

  30. 硒含量变化与海平面升降曲线表现出正相关,在最大海泛面处达最大值。

    The selenium content variation displays a positive correlation with the sea level fluctuation curve , with the selenium content reaching a maximum at the highest marine flooding surface .