
  • 网络Access Server;network access server;BRAS;NAS Network Access Server
  1. 一种串行接口设备的Internet接入服务器

    A Kind of Internet Access Server for Devices with Serial Interface

  2. Internet非标设备接入服务器体系结构的研究

    Study on Architecture of Internet Access Server for Non-PC Devices

  3. 其核心模块Radius服务器与网络接入服务器之间的通信协议采用RADIUS协议。

    The core modules between the Radius server and NAS adopt RADIUS .

  4. 基于网络处理器的接入服务器QoS方案设计

    QoS policy design for access server based on network processor

  5. ATM网络多业务接入服务器接口技术的研究

    Research of ATM Network Interface of Multiple Services Access Server

  6. 在IXA1200体系结构上实现链路层协议和网络层控制协议,从而实现Internet高效接入服务器的功能。

    Implements the datalink layer and network control protocols on Intel IXA 1200 architecture , thereby implements the function of efficient Internet access server .

  7. 接入服务器能为拨号上网用户提供Internet接入服务,因此基于网络信息安全技术的接入服务器有着广阔的市场前景。

    Based on information safety technology , Network Access Server will find a promising market in that it can provide dial-in users Internet access service .

  8. 早期的解决方案要求Internet接入服务器能够识别设备的数据通信协议,并依据通信协议的内容来确定网络数据报的报文。

    In many early solutions , Internet Access Server must distinguish device communication protocols and group network datagram according to the detailed content of proto - cols .

  9. WAP接入服务器综合业务管理平台的设计实现

    A WAP connecting sever integrative business management platform

  10. 目前,IP承载网使用到的主流产品包括核心路由器、业务路由器、核心路由交换机、宽带接入服务器、防火墙、用户业务网关等。

    Main stream productspresentlyused in IP bearer network include core router , service router , core route switch , broadband access server , firewall , user service gateway , etc.

  11. 为了提高接入服务器的通用性,减少接入服务器对设备通信协议的依赖,本文基于嵌入式Internet技术,提出了一种通用Internet设备接入服务器。

    For the sake of improving generality of access server and reducing dependence of device protocols , this paper pre - sents a kind of general Internet Device Access Server based on Embedded Internet technique .

  12. 本文介绍网络运营商对于网络接入服务器应用于公共电话网PSTN或综合业务数字网ISDN与Internet之间,为拨号及ISDN用户提供接入Internet能力。

    The network operators use NAS among PSTN , ISDN and internet to provide the ability to access internet for dialing and ISDN users .

  13. 其次,基于Diameter、EAP和PANA协议,设计了一个网络接入服务器模型。

    Secondly , the NAS model based on Diameter , EAP and PANA protocols is designed .

  14. 在系统模型的基础上,实现了基于RADIUS协议的校园网络接入服务器,并进行了系统测试工作。

    On the base of system model , the campus NAS based on RADIUS protocol is realized , and the test work has been carried on the system .

  15. 用宽带接入服务器(BAS)作为分布式审计代理实现城域网(MAN)上的主动式安全审计系统。

    A broadband access server ( BAS ) was used as auditing agent to implement a distributed security auditing system on metropolitan area network ( DSASMAN ) .

  16. Windows2000上PPPoE接入服务器负载分析实验报告

    Windows 2000 PPPoE Access Server Load Analysis on The Experimental Report

  17. 最后,在已经构建好的系统模型上,实现基于RADIUS协议的校园网络接入服务器,并对该系统进行了测试。

    Finally , in the system model what has been built ; it realize the RADIUS of the agreement based on campus network access server , and the system test .

  18. RAS是基于PHS系统的网络接入服务器,位于PSTN网和IP网之间,它实现了使用PHS进行数据通信的功能。

    RAS is a network access server based on PHS and locates between PSTN and IP network . It realizes the functions of data communication with PHS .

  19. 本文研究设计基于Web的电力多业务接入服务器(EPMAS)的网络管理系统。

    The Web-based network management system of Electric Power Multi-services Access Server ( EPMAS ) is researched and designed in this paper .

  20. 融合了多种技术的GPS接入服务器(GAS:GPSAccessServer)是GPS物流信息管理系统的核心,其性能的高低决定了系统的优劣乃至运营的成本。

    Integration of a variety of technology GPS access server ( GAS : GPS Access Server ) is " GPS Logistics Information Management System ," the core , the performance of the system determine the level of the pros and operating costs .

  21. 宽带远程接入服务器(BRAS)是DSLForum在下一代DSL接入体系中占重要地位的新型接入网关。

    Broadband Remote Access Server is a new type of access server which is very important in the next generation DSL access model designed by DSL Forum .

  22. 选择网关很重要,因此要充分了解独立网关、路由器网关、远程接入服务器网关及IPPBX网关的优缺点,以便选择适合的网关设备。

    Gateway selection is important , therefore a good understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of various gateways is necessary , including standalone box , router , remote access server and IP PBX .

  23. 最后介绍了该OSS子系统在宽带接入服务器产品中的应用实例,并指出该OSS需要改进的地方。

    At last , this paper gives the application of OSS in the BAS ( Broad-band Access Server ) product and points out what need to be improved .

  24. 结合铁通IP城域网的建设,对IP城域网的规划设计做一说明,重点介绍了IP城域网中IP地址、VLANID、路由策略的规划设计,以及宽带接入服务器(BRAS)的应用。

    Based on the construction of IP MAN of CTT , the planning and design of IP MAN is discussed . The IP address , VLAN ID , design of routing policy and application of BRAS are highlighted in this paper .

  25. 随着计算机网络应用日益普及和通信技术、计算机技术的发展,网络接入服务器(NAS)认证计费系统已经成为远程接入设备的一个重要组成部分。

    With the popularization of application of computer network and development of telecommunication and computer technology , Authentication / Accounting Server of Network Access Server ( NAS ) becomes an important part of remote access device .

  26. 传统的宽带接入服务器往往不提供VPDN业务,本文设计的宽带接入服务器的VPDN模块用于电信接入网,该VPDN模块在网络第二层(数据链路层)上实现。

    The broadband remote access server BRAS designed in this paper provides VPDN function supported by layer 2 tunnel protocol , while traditional ones do not .

  27. 虚拟专网VPN功能等。解决这些问题要求引入宽带接入服务器(BNAS),或者称为综合接入服务器(UAS)。

    All the problems can be settled by accessing the Broadband Network Access Server ( BNAS ) or the Universal Access Server ( UAS ) at the edge of backbone network .

  28. 重点对宽带接入服务器BRAS的系统要求,扩展功能,组网应用,特别是PPPOE协议在宽带接入服务器BRAS中的技术实现做了深入探讨。

    It gives a profound analysis on the realization of the BRAS technology , focusing on the BRAS system requirement , its expansion function , networking application as well as PPPOE protocol .

  29. 本文研究设计了嵌入式多业务接入服务器的ATM网络接口,解决了串口、以太、E1等业务接口数据统一接入到ATM网络的关键技术。

    ATM network interface of embedded multi-service access server is researched and designed in this paper . As a result , the key technologies of making the data from serial interfaces , Ethernet interfaces and E1 interfaces access to ATM network are figured out .

  30. 通过明确宽带接入服务器BRAS在宽带城域网中的定位及其在网络中的作用,确定了宽带IP城域网优化建设的关键是宽带接入服务器BRAS的优化。

    Making clear the positioning and the function of the broadband access server ( BRAS ) in the broadband metropolitan network , the paper determines that the key of the broadband IP metropolitan network optimization is the optimization of the BRAS .