
  1. 从新疆铁路人口和死因调查看今后卫生防病的新任务

    Viewing on future hygienic and disease preventing task based on survey of

  2. 积极开展卫生防病工作。

    Actively carry out the work of health care and disease prevention .

  3. 农村改厕与卫生防病效果分析

    Effectiveness of Improvement of Latrines on Disease Prevention in Countryside

  4. 湖南省农村改厕与卫生防病效果调查

    Disease Prevention Effect of Improvement of Latrines in Rural Areas in Hunan Province

  5. 汶川地震后灾区农村村民对卫生防病认知调查

    Survey of health and disease prevention awareness in Wenchuan earthquake area rural residents

  6. 目的:寻求湿热环境中演习条件下岸防兵部队合理的卫生防病措施。

    Objective : To seek effective disease-resistant measures in wet and warm maneuver environment .

  7. 汶川大地震初期卫生防病的做法及体会

    Practice and comprehension on sanitary and antiepidemic in the initial period of Wenchuan earthquake

  8. 开展心理健康教育要与卫生防病工作结合起来。

    The psychology health education should be put together with work of the disease prevention .

  9. 试论卫生防病体系的改革和重组

    A Discussion on the Reform and Reconstruction of the System of Health and Disease Prevention

  10. 结论慢性病和意外伤害是危害监测人群健康的主要原因,应有针对性地开展健康教育和健康促进工作,减少疾病和意外的发生,同时感染性、传染性疾病控制仍然是卫生防病重要工作之一。

    Meanwhile , control of infectious and transmissible diseases is still an important part in public health .

  11. 目的评价改水改厕远期卫生防病效果。

    Objective To evaluate a long term effect on improving drinking water and lavatories for prevention of diseases .

  12. 严重急性呼吸综合征暴发后对我国公共卫生防病应急系统的反思

    Rethinking on disease prevention of public health system during emergency in China after outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome

  13. 地震灾区卫生防病现场应急处置对策研究

    Study on countermeasures for disposal of urgent work about health and disease prevention in disaster areas of the earthquake

  14. 本文通过对祖国医学发展史的回顾,从四个方面阐述了卫生防病思想的具体表现。

    The article clarified the concrete thoughts of diseases prevention and control from four aspects by reviewed the history of development in chinese traditional medicine .

  15. 汕头市澄海区3.8级地震现场应急工作的启示地震灾区卫生防病现场应急处置对策研究

    Pondering over meeting the emergency of Chenghai earthquake M S 3.8 in Shantou Study on countermeasures for disposal of urgent work about health and disease prevention in disaster areas of the earthquake

  16. 消毒是卫生防病工作的重要组成部分,也是贯彻我国预防为主卫生工作方针的重要环节,消毒产品对预防和控制感染性疾病的传播发挥了无可替代的作用。

    Disinfection is the important part of preventing medicine , is also the key link of following throw putting prevention first , disinfecting products play a constructive role in preventing and controlling diseases .

  17. 随着社会发展、卫生防病需求增加,传统的疾病预防控制拨款方式己越来越不适应当前卫生体制改革的要求。

    Along with the development of society and the increasing demands of public health prevention , the traditional mode of funds allocating for disease control and prevention is becoming inadaptable to the requirement of the current hygiene system reform more and more .

  18. 结论迫切需要政府行为来强化社区卫生服务单位的防病作用,对农村社区工作要加以侧重。

    Conclusions The effective activities by government are needed to enhance the function of community health service units , especially in rural area .

  19. 加强卫生宣传教育、加大卫生资源投入、改善生活设施是今后做好渡海训练部队卫生防病的重要措施。

    Strengthening the hygienic education , increasing the hygienic resources putting , and improving the living conditions are the important measures to prevent the disease in sea-crossing-training troop .