
  1. 在区域保障措施的实践中,除了启动条件、差别待遇、实施方式各有特色之外,区域贸易安排天然的歧视性与WTO保障措施的非选择性(非歧视性)之间的冲突是最主要的问题。

    In the practice of regional safeguards , the conflict between discrimination of regional trade arrangements and non-selection ( non-discrimination ) of WTO safeguards is the main problem , apart from there are the characteristics of launch conditions , differential treatment , implementation modalities in each regional safeguards .

  2. 另外还提出了有关过渡性的区域保障机制的议案。

    Proposals also have been put forward relating to a transitional regional safeguard mechanism .

  3. 本文作者参与了上海《受援区学校委托管理区域保障机制》的研究课题的相关访谈、调查工作,并在此基础上开始撰写本文。

    The article author participated the research of Regional Security Mechanism of Entrust Management in received districts . And according to the research wrote the thesis .

  4. 联勤保障体制以军区为基础,采取区域保障与建制保障相结合、通用保障与专用保障相结合的方式。

    The joint logistics system is based on military area commands . It combines regional support with organic system support and general supply support with special supply support .

  5. 坚持民族区域自治保障民族平等权利

    Uphold Nationality Region Autonomy , Ensure the Right of Nationality Equality

  6. 渔农类地方高校区域服务保障体系构建

    Building A Regional Security System for Local Colleges and Universities of Agriculture and Fisheries

  7. 如前所述,大多数自由贸易协定保留了区域内保障措施。但是,由于对区域内保障措施制度的具体规定有所不同,又形成了不同模式。

    As mentioned above , most free trade agreements have preserved the safeguard measure systems within the areas , yet different modes are formed based on different concrete regulations .

  8. 本文通过对雏形复合图书馆的分析与理解,剖析出雏形复合图书馆严重的重复现象,从而提出了建设区域文献保障体系的设想,以解因重复而带来的负面影响。

    This article addresses the necessity of the building of the regional guarantee system of required document , because of the resource repetition in the times of undeveloped form of hybrid library .

  9. NAFTA为区域内实施保障措施设定了特殊的条件。

    NAFTA affords special conditions for application of safeguard measures within the region .

  10. 并且指出低区域性社会保障水平与IHD发生和死亡率升高有密切关系。

    Furthermore , they revealed that low neighbourhood-based social support was associated with an increased IHD incidence and mortality .

  11. 三大区域贸易组织保障措施法比较研究

    A Comparison on Safeguard Measures of Three Key Regional Trade Organizations

  12. 网络环境下新疆区域性文献保障体系研究

    Study on the Regional Literature Safeguard System of Xinjiang Under the Network Environment

  13. 协调区域经济发展保障国家经济安全

    Harmonizing district economy and guarantee national economy safety

  14. 信任机制:构建东北亚区域安全的保障

    A Trust Mechanism : To Construct a Security Safeguard in the Northeast Asian Region

  15. 作战单元保障系统的部署区域直接影响保障任务的完成。

    Mean logistic delay time is important index of combat unit support system capability .

  16. 区域可持续发展保障能力指标体系

    Safeguarding Capability Index System of Regional Sustainable Development

  17. 关于建立区域性应急保障力量的思考

    On setting up regional emergency support forces

  18. 我国区域文献资源保障和服务系统的建设与发展

    On the Foundation and Development of the Regional Literature Resources Guarantee and Service System in China

  19. 加强区域生态安全保障体系建设,维护国土生态安全已成为国家的战略需求。

    To strengthen regional ecology safety system and protect ecological safety of territory has become a strategic need of the nation .

  20. 坚持公共教育资源向农村地区、边远贫困地区和民族地区倾斜,努力缩小城乡和区域差距,保障困难群体接受教育。

    The government has launched a series of programs to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas and between different regions , and to guarantee disadvantaged groups'access to education .

  21. 苏州环太湖地区不仅拥有丰富的自然文化资源,同时肩负着区域生态安全保障与城乡协调发展两大使命。

    Circum-Tai lake region in Suzhou not only possesses the rich natural cultural resources , but also it plays a more important role in region ecological security and coordinated urban-rural development .

  22. 所谓物业服务企业承担的安全保障义务是指物业服务企业依照法律或者物业服务合同约定,在物业管理服务区域内履行保障业主和有正当理由进入其管理范围的非业主人身、财产安全的义务。

    Property service enterprise taking the obligation of safety guarantee is refers to the property service enterprise should protect owners ' body and property safety according to the law or the service contract .

  23. 比较可行的方案是各地区根据各自的实际情况,在完善社会保障法律制度基础上,构建区域的社会保障城乡衔接。

    Feasible scheme is that according to actual conditions , each region builds regional cohesion of the social security in urban and rural areas , which is based on the construction of the improvement of social security legal system .

  24. 实行民族区域自治,保障了少数民族在政治上的平等地位和平等权利,极大地满足了各少数民族积极参与国家政治生活的愿望。

    The practice of regional autonomy for ethnic minorities has ensured their equal footing and equal rights politically and satisfied the desire of all the ethnic minorities to take an active part in nation 's political activities to a large extent .

  25. 提出了体育旅游区域开发的保障机制和基本对策,指出要建立体育旅游协调机构,组建区域体育旅游企业集团,制定统一规划,进行区域功能分区等方法。

    Proposed sports tourism regional development mechanisms of the protection and the basic countermeasures , pointed out the need to build sports tourism coordinating mechanism , to establish regional sports tourism enterprise groups , to formulate a unified planning , and to zone regional functions .

  26. 在逐一分析了各种模式对中国的利弊后得出结论:完全排除是更为合理的模式。最后提出相应的政策建议,为中国参与区域贸易安排保障措施的谈判和实施提供理论支持。

    After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the modes to China one by one , this paper concludes that " completely excluded " is more reasonable , at last puts forward some policy recommendations for supporting the safeguards negotiation and implementation of China attending regional trade arrangements .

  27. 浙江省区域水银行运作保障机制研究

    Research of Operational Guarantee System of Zhejiang Province Water Bank

  28. 建立区域外文原版文献保障体系的设想

    Ideas for Constructing the Regional System of Guarantee for Original Foreign Documents

  29. 甘肃省不同类型区域的农村社会保障研究

    Study on Rural Social Security in Different Types of Regions of Gansu Province

  30. 该系统的实现为实时指导棉花区域生产管理、保障棉花区域经济可持续发展提供科学依据。

    This system can provide science basis for economy sustainable development in the cotton district .