
  1. 铁路军事交通运输保障能力的模糊聚类与粗糙决策

    Fuzzy Clustering and Rough Decision on Guarantee Capacity of Railway Military Transportation

  2. 本文从分析马岛战争中英军交通运输保障的经验入手,着重对我军在未来渡海登岛作战中的运力动员、交通战备、海上交通线斗争等问题进行了探讨。

    This article analyses the experience of the British Army , with emphasis laid on the problems in cross-channel operations for our army .

  3. 未来城市防空作战中交通运输保障工作的地位十分显要,但面临的形势也相当严峻。

    Despite the fact that the work of traffic and transportation guarantee has an important part to play in the future municipal anti-aircraft combat , it also faces a very hard and complex situation .

  4. 现代物流必须要有强有力的交通运输做保障。

    Modern logistics is necessary to have a powerful transport guarantee .

  5. 战区军事交通运输网络保障能力评价研究

    Study on Evaluating the Guarantee Ability of Military Traffic and Transport Network in War Zone

  6. 对高速公路改扩建过程交通运输安全保障措施进行研究,总结出可行有效的安全保障措施。

    Research the extension process transportation safety control of the highway , summarizes the feasible effective safety control .

  7. 浅谈交通战备中运输保障工作的建设

    Construction of Transportation Guarantee Work of Traffic Combat Readiness

  8. 本文分析了交通战备中运输保障工作的重要性,提出了加强军交运输后备保障工作的几项措施。

    The paper analyses the importance of transportation guarantee work of traffic combat readiness and proposes some measures on strengthening reserve guarantee work .

  9. 在这段期间里,我国经济的快速发展需要有强大的交通运输业提供保障和支持。

    During this period , we need the powerful transport industry to provide guarantee and support so as to promote the rapid economic development in our country .

  10. 其目的是使人、车、路密切配合、和谐统一,极大地提高综合交通运输效率,保障交通安全,改善环境质量和提高能源利用率。

    Its goal is causes the person , the vehicle , the road close coordination , the harmonious unification , enormously enhances the synthesis transportation efficiency , the safeguard traffic safety , the improvement environment quality and raises the energy use factor .

  11. 铁路交通运输安全的重要保障设施之一是信号灯,一旦信号灯电源中断供电,将导致信号指挥系统混乱、失灵、引起机车停滞、阻塞,甚至撞车等重大事故。

    Signal light is one of important support facilities for railway transportation security . Once power source of signal light is broke off , it will result in commanding system confusion , out of order and cause locomotive stagnation , jamming and knock down .

  12. 车牌识别技术是智能交通系统中的重要技术,对提高交通运输效率和保障交通安全具有重要的价值。

    The license plate recognition plays an important role on improving transport efficiency and traffic safety . It is an important technology for intelligent transportation systems .

  13. 随着我国水上交通的结构调整和日益繁忙的港口发展,水上交通运输的安全保障也将面对极大的挑战。

    With structural adjustment of waterway traffics and increasingly busy port development , the safety assurance of waterway traffics will face huge challenge .

  14. 战区军事交通运输网络是战区平战时组织军事运输的物质基础,直接影响和制约战区军事交通运输的保障能力和水平。

    The traffic and transport network of war zone is the material basis for the organization of military transportation during both peacetime and wartime . It affects and constrains directly the guarantee ability and level of military traffic and transport in war zone .

  15. 军事交通运输面临着新形势的严峻挑战,如何适应新的形势,适应高技术局部战争对军事交通运输保障的要求,正是我军所面临的重要问题。

    The traffic transport on military affairs faces the austere challenge of the new status , and what is the important question our army is facing is how to fit for the new status , for what the high tech local war asks for the martial traffic transport guarantee .