
jiāo chā huǒ lì
  • crossfire;cross fire
交叉火力 [jiāo chā huǒ lì]
  • [cross fire] 战斗中从两个或两个以上射击点进行射击,因而火线交叉的火力

  1. 三个无辜的旁观者在交叉火力中丧生。

    Three innocent bystanders were killed in the crossfire .

  2. 那位医生去救助伤员时在交叉火力中丧生。

    The doctor was killed in crossfire as he went to help the wounded .

  3. 乔恩·斯图尔特(JonStewart)痛斥CNN《交叉火力》的主持人;

    Jon Stewart berating the hosts of CNN 's " Crossfire " ;

  4. 敌军遭到了两支游击队交叉火力的夹击。

    The enemy troops were caught in crossfire between two guerrilla bands .

  5. 医疗队无意中陷入了敌对两军的交叉火力中。

    Medical teams were caught in the crossfire of the opposing armies .

  6. 孩子毫无防备地站在有交叉火力的地方。

    The child was standing in the middle of the crossfire , defenselessly .

  7. 几名平民在交叉火力中受伤。

    Several civilians were wounded in the crossfire .

  8. 游击队员们装扮成卖东西的普通农民,把敌军诱入强大的交叉火力圈种。

    Partisans dressed as simple farmers selling products decoyed the soldiers into blistering crossfire .

  9. 他们陷入了交叉火力中。

    They were caught in a crossfire .

  10. 这名警官表示:他本以为这是一次意外,却不料突然被交叉火力击中。

    The officer responded to what he thought was an accident but was suddenly caught in crossfire .

  11. 交叉火力:从两个或多个射击位置射出的火线在某一个点相互交叉。

    Crossfire : Lines of fire from two or more positions crossing each other at a single point .

  12. 在这种混乱的交叉火力当中,华盛顿有忽略所涉及的基本战略问题的危险。

    Amid the confused crossfire , Washington is in danger of losing sight of the basic strategic issue involved .

  13. 要熟悉“交叉火力”,火力齐射,呼叫炮兵调整射击等等。

    Be familiar with concepts like " bracketing ", firing spot rounds , calling in adjustments to human players , and so on .

  14. 她说,在人口密集区,人们经常遭遇交叉火力,要保证平民的安全更加困难。

    She said in a densely populated area , it is more difficult to ensure the safety of civilians , who often are caught in the crossfire .