
  • 网络MRM-KE;KE-ET;epw
  1. 用梁-颗粒模型BPM2D对卵形头和平头动能弹贯穿混凝土平靶的过程进行数值模拟,给出贯穿过程中混凝土内部速度场的变化情况及混凝土的破坏区域。

    The perforation into a plain concrete panel with ogival and flat nose perforators is numerically simulated with the BPM 2D ( beam-particle model in two dimensions ) . The varieties of velocity field in concrete and failure zone surrounding the hole are described .

  2. 动能弹侵彻素混凝土板的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on the kinetic energy penetration against plain concrete panel

  3. 动能弹对装甲目标毁伤评估的等效靶模型

    Equivalent Surrogates for Armor Target Damage Assessment by Kinetic Energy Projectiles

  4. 先进装甲对动能弹防护能力的均质等效靶研究

    Study on protection level RHA equivalences of advanced armor against Ke projectiles

  5. 动能弹对混凝土靶板侵彻三维数值模拟

    Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation on the Penetration of Concrete Target by a Metallic Projectile

  6. 动能弹侵彻作用下混凝土墙板性能分析

    Performance analysis of kinetic energy bomb penetrating concrete wall-slab

  7. 动能弹侵彻多层陶瓷靶板数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation of Ke projectile penetration into multilayered ceramics

  8. 动能弹侵彻钢筋混凝土相似性分析

    Similarity Law Analyses of Penetration Behavior in Reinforced Concrete

  9. 高速碰撞中攻角对动能弹侵彻多层间隔靶能力的影响

    Effects of the yaw on kinetic projectile penetrating into spaced targets in high impact

  10. 动能弹穿甲过程有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of kinetic energy armour-piercing process

  11. 利用火炮发射动能弹,对钢筋混凝土靶进行正侵彻和斜侵彻试验。

    We conduced penetration experiments into reinforced concrete targets with ogive-nose kinetic energy projectiles .

  12. 预扭转钨合金动能弹提高穿甲侵彻威力机理分析

    Penetration mechanism of Pre-torqued tungsten heavy alloy projectiles

  13. 研究动能弹侵彻混凝土类问题的数值模拟计算中,网格单元尺寸的划分对计算结果的影响规律,找出合理的网格尺寸取值范围。

    In the simulation of concrete penetration , the mesh size has a direct effect on the calculation result .

  14. 单纯动能弹侵彻存在侵彻深度上限,在技战术指标一定的前提条件下,弹体结构的优化可令动能深侵彻弹尽可能实现最大侵深。

    There exists a maximum penetration depth for a pure KE projectile when its geometric configuration and impact conditions are specified .

  15. 目的在于为确定高速动能弹的推力方案和总体参数提供一种新的设计方法。

    A new design method for establishing the thrust scheme and overall performance parameters of hypervelocity kinetic antitank missile is provided .

  16. 用AUTODYN3D动力学软件对动能弹斜侵彻混凝土等多层介质靶问题作数值仿真研究。

    The numerical simulation of kinetic bomb penetrating multiplayer medium consisting concrete , cobble and soil in the hydro-code AUTODYN-3D TM is presented .

  17. 机场跑道多层结构在承受动能弹侵彻爆炸加载条件下的动态响应过程研究具有重要的战略意义。

    It is of strategic important to study on the responses of multi-layer structure of the airport runway under dynamic loads of penetration and explosion .

  18. 根据动能弹对装甲目标作用的毁伤破坏机理,提出了这一特定弹靶系统中装甲目标等效靶的建立方法。

    Based on the damage mechanism of armor targets impacted by kinetic energy projectiles , the method of selecting surrogates for this typical ammunition-target system was advanced .

  19. 采用火炮发射动能弹直接撞击土壤混凝土复合靶,通过观测试验后的弹靶状态,回放弹载加速度存储仪,获得弹丸在侵彻过程中的加速度曲线。

    After directly shooting soil and concrete targets using ballistic guns and observing the status of the targets , acceleration curves during penetration were obtained and the penetration pattern analysed .

  20. 针对高速动能弹探讨了几种推力方案下导弹质量、速度和推力之间的关系,并对这几种推力方案从质量的角度进行了比较。

    The mass-velocity-thrust relationship related to several thrust schemes of hypervelocity kinetic antitank missiles are discussed , and a comparison of these schemes made regarding the total mass of each scheme .

  21. 在二次发射的原理设计思路下,本文介绍了霰弹、榴弹以及脱壳动能弹这三种新型弹的简要结构设计特点。

    And under the thread of " the Second-Launch Theory ", this paper briefly introduces the structure design of three kinds of bullets such as the shotshell grenade and the shell .

  22. 并在此平台上研究了动能弹对装甲目标这一典型弹靶系统的毁伤评估问题,运行结果表明该平台系统的可靠性和效率均较高,评估结果也具有较高地可信度。

    The problem of armor targets damage assessment destroyed by kinetic energy projectiles is studied and the output result has shown that the system has high reliability and efficiency , and the assessment result is quite reliable .

  23. 本文基于动能弹对混凝土靶体的侵彻实验,讨论了轻气炮试验方法及混凝土靶体上传感器的安装与浇注,核心为前置放大器的设计。

    This thesis is based on the experiment that the kinetic energy projectile penetrated into the concrete target , Have been discussed the methods of light-gas gun and the sensor installation and pouring in the concrete target .

  24. 另外,卫星拦截技术的发展使未来战争范围可能扩展到外层空间,各种发射形式的动能弹及具有轨道机动能力的小卫星均可执行空间攻防任务。

    Moreover , the development of satellite interception technology may expand the scope of future wars to outer space , using various forms of kinetic missile and small satellite with orbital maneuvering capability to perform offensive and defensive missions .

  25. 对混凝土介质的破坏可采用动能弹侵彻至预定深度,然后引爆装药,利用爆炸作用毁伤混凝土工事。

    For the destruction of the concrete target , kinetic energy projectile can be used , which penetrating into concrete target to the desired depth , then detonated the explosive and use of energy of explosive to damage the target .

  26. 近年来,五角大楼花费了近4亿美元来研发先进得多的KE-ASAT动能拦截弹。

    In more recent years , the Pentagon has spent nearly $ 400 million developing a much more advanced KE-Asat kinetic kill vehicle .

  27. 美国动能拦截弹红外成像导引头的发展分析

    Development analysis of infrared imaging seekers of kinetic kill vehicles in America

  28. 拦截弹中的红外技术高空动能拦截弹末制导段运动模型

    The Movement Model of Terminal Guidance for Kinetic Energy Interceptor at High Altitude

  29. 大气层内动能拦截弹脉冲矢量发动机点火控制算法研究

    Investigation of Ignition Control Algorithm of the Pulse Vector Motors of the Endoatmospheric Kinetic Interceptor

  30. 对大气层外动能拦截弹的制导特性和拦截能力进行了研究,包括拦截空域、杀伤半径、横向修正能力等。

    Guidance characteristics and interception capability of EKV are analyzed , including intercepting airspace , hit radius , transverse correction ability etc.