
  • 网络AAM
  1. 新一代近距格斗空空导弹机动能力分析

    Maneuverable Capability Analysis of Advanced Short-range Dogfight Air to Air Missile

  2. 红外近距格斗空空导弹发展展望

    Development trends of short-range dogfight IR air to air missile

  3. 近距格斗空空导弹的归零时间设计

    Design of zero time for short-range air-to-air dogfight missile

  4. 基于遗传算法的近距格斗空空导弹初始弹道规划

    A Initial Trajectory Planning Based on Genetic Algorithm for Short Range Air to air Missile

  5. 近距格斗空空导弹发射边界判定研究

    Research for Launching Envelope of Short Range Air to Air Missile Boundary thinking BORDER DISEASE : A REVIEW

  6. 近距格斗空空导弹全向攻击能力分析近距离空中支援飞机必须取消攻击。

    The analysis of ability to all-aspect attack of short-range dog fight air-to-air missile CAS aircraft must break off the attack .