
ɡāo chāo yīn sù
  • hypersonic speed
  1. 近年来,新一代的战斗机及新型的战略导弹对超音速、高超音速飞行的要求,引起了国内外许多研究人员对这一类流动的重视。实现大气层高超音速飞行在于发展超燃冲压发动机。

    In recent years , the most of new fighters and strategic missiles require fly with supersonic or hypersonic speed , and this make a lot of researchers think much of this kinds of phenomena . Hypersonic research has been aimed principally at the development of scram-jets .

  2. TVD格式与高超音速气动加热数值模拟

    TVD scheme and numerical simulation of aerodynamic heating in hypersonic flows

  3. 用多重网格TVD方法求解三维高超音速粘性流场

    Multigrid and TVD Scheme for Three Dimension Hypersonic Viscous Flowfield

  4. 高超音速BTT巡航飞行器变结构控制系统设计

    Design of Variable Structure Control System for Hypersonic BTT Vehicle

  5. 高超音速流场的隐式TVD格式并行计算

    Parallel Calculation of Implicit TVD Scheme for Hypersonic Flowfield

  6. 发展了一种运用定常CFD方法和活塞理论求解超音速、高超音速非定常气动力的新方法&当地流活塞理论。

    Employing Euler based steady solution and piston theory , a new method ( we call it local piston theory in this paper ) to solve supersonic or hypersonic unsteady loads has been developed .

  7. 用激光诱导碘荧光的方法对高超音速低温喷管的混合性能进行了测量,并用CFD软件FLUENT模拟了喷管的流场。

    The flowfield of hypersonic low temperature ( HYLTE ) nozzle in continuous wave DF / HF chemical lasers was visualized by laser induced iodine fluorescence ( LIIF ) and simulated by the CFD software FLUENT .

  8. 利用数值模拟方法对采用高超音速低温喷管(HYLTE)线性阵列DF化学激光器进行了研究。

    The DF chemical laser , adopting the Hypersonic-Low Temperature ( HYLTE ) nozzle in linear array form , was numerically studied .

  9. 从能量衰减和信号处理角度为SAR应用于高超音速导弹的可行性给出了决策依据。2、提出了双基地SAR平行航迹等速模式的一种Chirpscaling算法。

    The decision basis is given from the energy attenuation and signal processing point of view for SAR applied to hypersonic missile . 2 A Chirp Scaling algorithm is put forward for bistatic SAR with parallel flights and the same velocity .

  10. 对滑跃式高超音速巡航飞行器的动力技术进行了初步研究,分析了采用火箭基组合循环发动机(RBCC)方案所需的燃料消耗。

    Finally dynamic technology of soaring hypersonic cruise vehicle was preliminarily investigated . The fuel consumption of rocket based combined cycle ( RBCC ) for the soaring hypersonic cruise vehicle was analyzed .

  11. 这种方法特别适合于高超音速非定常流场,已研制成完整的测量系统LVG-1。

    This method is especially good for measuring unsteady hypersonic flow field . An integrated measuring system LVG-1 has been devel - oped .

  12. 本文将Davis的量级分析方法改用匹配渐近展开方法,作为一级近似推导出了高超音速化学反应粘性激波层方程。

    In the present paper , the method of matched asymptotic expansions is introduced to the Davis ' viscous shock layer theory , and the result of the first order of approximation leads to the same hypersonic chemically reacting viscous shock layer equations as with the Davis ' method .

  13. 首先,研究了高超音速零攻角小球头锥边界层的稳定性特点,并用e-N法进行了转捩预测。

    Firstly , stability of a hypersonic boundary layer on a blunt cone with small nose bluntness at zero angle of attack has been investigated and the transition location was predicted by the e-N method .

  14. 将再补给任务的有效载荷发射至国际空间站后,SpaceX的猎鹰9号运载火箭第一级将展开高超音速稳定翼并且进行4次引擎点火,而后转为自动操作在大西洋上的机器驳船垂直降落。

    After launching a payload on a resupply mission to the International Space Station , Space X 's Falcon 9 first stage will deploy hypersonic stabilizing fins and fire its engines four times , steering itself to an upright touchdown on a robotic barge floating in the Atlantic Ocean .

  15. 用于高超音速飞行器的涡扇-冲压双循环发动机设计研究

    Design Study of a dual-cycle turbofan-ramjet engine for a hypersonic aircraft

  16. 高超音速进气道粘性流场的分块计算

    Simulation to viscous flow of a supersonic inlet by multiblock method

  17. 高超音速化学平衡流粘性激波层数值计算

    Numerical Viscous Shock Layer Solution to the Hypersonic Chemically Equilibrium Flows

  18. 高超音速热流数值计算中的误差匹配原则

    Error matching principle for heat transfer calculations in hypersonic flow simulations

  19. 近空间高超音速飞行器射频通信黑障研究

    Study on Blackout in Near Space Hypersonic Vehicle Radio Frequency Communication

  20. 高超音速流动中热对流动影响的研究

    The effect of heating on flow ing in hypersonic flow

  21. 高超音速导弹气动光学效应研究方法综述

    Overview of study methods for aero - optic effect of hypersonic missiles

  22. 高超音速后掠激波与边界层干扰流场特性

    Surface feature in hypersonic swept shock and boundary layer interaction

  23. 超音速/高超音速三维边界层的层流控制

    Laminar flow control of supersonic / hypersonic three - dimensional boundary layer

  24. 基于反步法的高超音速飞机纵向逆飞行控制

    Longitudinal inversion flight control based on backstepping for hypersonic vehicle

  25. 高超音速化学非平衡钝劈绕流数值计算

    Numerical calculations of hypersonic nonequilibrium flow over a blunt wedge

  26. 它适用于超音速和低的高超音速范围,并可用于中等攻角和侧滑角。

    It is valid in the range of supersonic and low hypersonic speeds .

  27. 一种奇异摄动最优中制导律在高超音速巡航导弹中的应用

    A Singular Disturbance 's Optimum Middle Control Law Applied to Hypersonic Cruise Missile

  28. 高超音速地面模拟设备的研究进展

    The Research Progress of Hypersonic Ground Simulation Test Facilities

  29. 尖前缘任意翼型的超音速和高超音速俯仰安定性导数

    Pitching Stability Derivatives of Arbitrary Airfoils with Sharp Edge in Supersonic and Hypersonic Flows

  30. 近程高超音速导弹弹翼热结构耦合分析

    Thermal-structural coupling analysis on wing short-range hypersonic missile