
  • 网络semi-active radar homing;Sarh
  1. 连续波半主动雷达制导空空导弹截获跟踪距离计算

    Consideration on calculating capture and tracking range of CW guided air-to-air missile

  2. 分析了连续波半主动雷达制导导弹导引头工作电磁环境和对武器系统攻击区的影响。

    The magnetic environment in which the CW semi active radar guided missile 's homer works is analyzed and its influence on the attacking envelope of the weapon system is given .

  3. 导弹是半-主动雷达制导而且射程大约50公里(类似HQ-12)。

    The missiles are semi-active radar homing and would have a range of about50km ( similar to HQ-12 ) .