
  • 网络hrg;HRGs;Hemispherical Resonator Gyro
  1. 半球谐振陀螺滤波技术研究及其FPGA实现

    Research on Filtering Technology of HRG and Its Implementation with FPGA

  2. 半球谐振陀螺(HRG)作为一种惯性级陀螺经历了曲折的发展历程。

    The development of HRG as a kind of inertial grade gyro is ups and downs .

  3. 基于AR多变量模型的半球谐振陀螺温度漂移建模

    Modelling Temperature Drift of HRG Based on AR Multi-Variable Model

  4. 在通过陀螺信号滤波提高半球谐振陀螺精度方面,本文引入了FLP滤波方法。

    On the aspect of signal filtering of HRG , the Forward Linear Prediction ( FLP ) filtering method is introduced first .

  5. 半球谐振陀螺(HemisphericalResonatorGyro),是一种极具发展前景的新型高精度陀螺,是航空和航天飞行器捷联惯导系统中最有前景的敏感器件,是未来高精度、长寿命陀螺的发展方向。

    Hemispherical Resonator Gyro ( HRG ) is a promising sensitive device used in SINS fixed on aeronautics and aerospace flying vehicle , it has the features of longevity and high-precision which is the trend of gyros development .

  6. 论文采用Allan方差法对半球谐振陀螺的信号进行随机误差分析,分析结果表明,半球谐振陀螺的角度随机游走误差是陀螺随机误差的主要部分。

    The Allan Variance ( AV ) analysis method is used to evaluate the HRG signal . The result indicates that the main random error of HRG is Angle Random Walk ( ARW ) .

  7. FLP滤波方法的另一优点是可以每次启动时进行随机建模,这就适用于每次启动时陀螺误差随机模型不同的情况。本文还对半球谐振陀螺测角实验数据进行了FLP滤波。

    Another advantage of FLP filter is that it can build error model at each startup of HRG , which has advantage in the case that the error model changes at the startups .

  8. 半球谐振陀螺振子耦合振动的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Coupling Vibration of Resonator for HRG

  9. 半球谐振陀螺星载惯性姿态测量系统研究

    Research on Spaceborne Inertial Attitude Measurement System Based on HRG

  10. 半球谐振陀螺的振幅控制及误差分析

    Amplitude Control and Error Analysis of Hemispherical Resonator Gyro

  11. 温度效应造成的半球谐振陀螺振幅和测角误差因素分析

    The Analysis of Amplitude and Angle Measuring Error of HRG Affected by Temperature

  12. 结构误差造成的半球谐振陀螺闭环检测误差分析

    Analysis on Close-loop Detection Error Affected by Structure Errors of Hemisphere Resonator Gyro

  13. 半球谐振陀螺的动特性分析与抗冲击研究

    Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics and Research of Resist Impact of Hemispherical Resonator Gyro

  14. 基于半球谐振陀螺的捷联惯性姿态系统的一种粒子滤波方法

    An Extended Kalman Particle Filtering Algorithm for HRG-Based Strapdown Inertial Attitude Determination System

  15. 半球谐振陀螺控制技术研究

    Study on Control Technology of Hemispherical Resonator Gyro

  16. 半球谐振陀螺一种测角速率的方法

    A method of HRG testing angular velocity

  17. 半球谐振陀螺是一种具有广阔应用前景的高精度陀螺。

    Hemispherical resonator gyro is a kind of high accuracy gyro that has wide application perspective .

  18. 半球谐振陀螺的机理分析

    Mechanism Analysis of Hemispherical Resonator Gyro

  19. 此外还给出了半球谐振陀螺闭环测量的结构图及检测原理。

    Moreover , the closed loop measurement scheme and detecting principle of hemispherical resonator gyro were provided .

  20. 在此基础上建立半球谐振陀螺温度漂移模型并在软件补偿了温度误差。

    Based on the method , the temperature drift model of HRG is built up to compensate the temperature drift .

  21. 半球谐振陀螺由于制造工艺和装配过程中的因素,其结构难免出现误差,对振幅的检测和控制产生影响。

    Due to some factors induced by the fabrication technology and fitting process , the inevitable HRG structure error can affect the amplitude detection and control .

  22. 根据半球谐振陀螺的动力学方程和闭环反馈理论,推导出离散激励器和信号检测器在壳体环向的角度配置;

    According to the dynamical equation and the theory of closed loop feedback , the angle scheme of signal detector and discrete exciter in circumferential direction is deduced .

  23. 针对半球谐振陀螺信号的特点,设计了一种信号处理方法,采用该信号处理方法完全可以实现陀螺的信号检测。

    Aiming at the signal characteristic of HRG , a kind of signal processing method is designed , the signal of HRG can be detected by the method .

  24. 本文主要就激光陀螺、光纤陀螺、半球谐振陀螺、石英音叉陀螺等光电惯性传感器的发展及应用进行了介绍。

    The application and development of laser gyro , optical fiber gyro , hemispherical resonant gyro , quartz tuning-fork gyro and other electro-optical inertial sensors are introduced in this paper .

  25. 半球谐振陀螺是一种高精度的振动陀螺,其信号处理技术是实现陀螺功能并取得预期性能的关键之一。

    The hemispherical resonant gyro ( HRG ) is a vibration gyro with high accuracy . Its signal processing technique is one of the key techniques to gain expected performance .

  26. 作为新型陀螺&半球谐振陀螺,与环形激光陀螺、光纤陀螺相比,在相同的精度、可靠性和寿命要求下,其成本更具有竞争性。

    Moreover , compared to ring laser gyro and fiber optic gyro , hemispheric resonator gyro , as a new type of gyroscope , it is more economical with the same precision , reliability and lifespan requirements .

  27. 然后围绕振动惯性技术的发展.介绍各种压电振动陀螺和半球谐振陀螺的结构、特性、主要特征和几种典型的应用例。

    Then , around the development of vibration inertial technology , the paper introduces the construction , properties and mainly characteristics of piezoelectric vibratory gyroscope and hemisphere resonation gyroscope , as well as their typically applied examples .

  28. 简要介绍机械惯性陀螺、环形激光陀螺、光纤陀螺、半球谐振陀螺、石英音叉陀螺的基本工作原理及其军事应用,并预测了陀螺惯性制导的发展趋势。

    The working principle and applications of mechanical gyroscope , annular laser gyroscope , optical fiber gyroscope , hemispherical resonant gyroscope , quartz tuning fork gyroscope are briefly introduced in military fields , and the development trend of gyro-guidance system are forcasted .

  29. 实验结果表明,在经过补偿后,当温度从-10℃变化到40℃时,半球谐振陀螺的温漂误差降低到原来的30%,有效的抑制半球谐振陀螺的温度漂移,提高了陀螺的精度。

    Experiment proves that after temperature compensation , the temperature drift has fall to 30 % of the before when the temperature change from - 10 centigrade to 40 centigrade , the temperature drift is suppressed and the HRG precision is increased .

  30. 针对频率跟踪控制回路,分析了半球谐振陀螺的频率特性,设计了数字锁相环的控制方案,解决了半球谐振陀螺激励信号与输出信号频率不一致的问题。

    Aiming at reference phase loop , the frequency characteristic of HRG is analyzed , and the control project by the phase-locked loop is designed . Then the problem that the input and output signal of HRG has different frequency is solved . 3 .