
jiā sù dù jì
  • accelerometer
  1. 所有你需要的是移动电话与加速度计和GPS。

    All you need is a mobile phone with accelerometer and GPS .

  2. 斩波稳定∑△调制器的设计及其在MEMS加速度计中的应用

    Design of Chopper-Stabilized ΣΔ Modulator and application in MEMS accelerometer

  3. SAW加速度计量程调整及计量标定方法研究

    On adjusting measure range & calibration for the SAW accelerometer

  4. 陀螺加速度计二次项系数K2的离心机测试方法研究

    Testing methodology for second-order coefficient K_2 of gyro accelerometer by centrifuge

  5. 独特的K剪切加速度计

    The Unique K - SHEAR Accelerometers

  6. 详细讨论了基于DSP的光纤加速度计信号检测系统的硬件电路及程序流程;

    Particularly discusses the circuits of PGC demodulation scheme based on DSP and the program flow .

  7. PWM静电伺服技术在电容微加速度计中的应用

    PWM Electrostatic Servo Technique Applying on Capacitive Acceler-ation Micro-sensors

  8. 差动式光纤Bragg光栅加速度计传感头设计与仿真

    Design and simulation of sensor of differential fiber Bragg grating accelerometer

  9. 对SAW加速度计原理样机的结构作出改进,以便施加压膜阻尼。

    The engineering prototype of the SAW accelerometer was also improved to fit in with the structure of the squeeze-film damping .

  10. 本文通过分析比较各种阻尼方式,提出并论证微间隙压膜阻尼应用于SAW加速度计的可能性和可行性。

    By comparing several damping metheds , we presented squeeze-film damping , and demonstrated the possibility and feasibility of applying it to SAW accelerometers .

  11. 基于SOI技术梁膜结合高过载压阻式加速度计研究

    A High Overloaded Piezoresistive Accelerometer Based on SOI Materials with Cantilever Beam

  12. 高g加速度计具有高过载、高响应速度、高环境压力以及体积小和价格低等特点。

    The high-g accelerometer requires the characteristics of high overload , high response speed , high environmental pressure and minor dimensions and low cost .

  13. 利用ICP振动加速度计进行潜艇振动监测

    Submarine Vibration Monitor with ICP Vibration Accelerometer

  14. 基于Fabry-Perot干涉仪的闭环微光机电加速度计

    MOEMS accelerometer based on double Fabry-Perot interferometers and closed loop

  15. 标定技术主要是对SINS的惯性敏感元件&石英挠性加速度计和光纤陀螺仪的基本误差模型参数进行确定。

    Calibration technology mainly makes sure SINS Inertial Measurement Unit-quartz flexibility accelerometer and FOG basic error model parameter .

  16. 利用卫星轨迹交叉点标定CHAMP卫星加速度计数据

    Calibration for CHAMP Accelerometer Data Based on Crossover Points of the Satellite

  17. 设计并实现了一种小角度双E形电涡流角位移传感器,可用于加速度计及陀螺仪闭环控制的校正回路。

    A kind of small-angle eddy-current transducer in form of double E was designed and implemented . The transducer can be used in self-adjustable loops of accelerometers and gyroscopes .

  18. 利用CHAMP卫星轨道和加速度计数据推求地球重力场模型

    Gravity Field Recovery from CHAMP Orbits and Accelerometer Data

  19. 利用动力学法标校CHAMP卫星加速度计数据

    Calibration of CHAMP Accelerometer Data with Dynamical Method

  20. 本文通过研究加速度计数学模型随温度变化的规律,设计以DSP为核心的温度补偿系统,加以实时补偿,以提高加速度计的输出精度。

    Through studying mathematical model accelerometer with temperature changes in the law designed to DSP core temperature compensation system . be real-time compensation , the accelerometer output to improve accuracy .

  21. CHAMP卫星加速度计数据的使用

    Analysis and Use of CHAMP Accelerometry Data

  22. 高gn值微加速度计的设计

    Design of high g_n micro - accelerometer

  23. 详细介绍了一种新型的基于双光纤Fabry-Perot干涉式(以下简称DFPI)差动检测的静电伺服硅微加速度计的设计。

    The paper describes the design of a novel micro-mechanical electrostatic servo accelerometer based on double fiber Fabry-Perot interferometers .

  24. 利用MEMS技术生产的微机械电容式加速度计具有制作工艺简单、温度系数小、稳定性好、阻尼系数容易控制等优点,因而得到了广泛的应用。

    Variable-capacitance micromechanical accelerometer developed by MEMS technology is widely used for having simple process , small temperature coefficient , good stability and easily controllable damping coefficient .

  25. 引入了伪姿态的概念,提出了由伪姿态测量辅助求取载体姿态的具体算法,阐述了单天线GPS和加速度计组合测姿的基本原理。

    The pseudo attitude concept was introduced , and the attitude determination method aided by the pseudo attitude was presented . The principle of attitude determination with single-antenna GPS and accelerometers was introduced .

  26. 文章介绍了ICP振动加速度计的工作原理和实际应用中应当注意的问题。

    The paper introduces the principle of a kind of ICP vibration accelerometer and points out some problems that should be noticed in application .

  27. CHAMP卫星加速度计数据的标定是通过确定其尺度因子和偏差参数来完成的。

    The main object for calibrating CHAMP accelerometry data is to determine the scale and bias parameters .

  28. 每3个相互正交安装的加速度计组成一组测量单元,两个单元之间相距30m,并相对固定。

    Two sets of measuring unit consisting of 3 accelerators in 3 mutually perpendicular directions are placed 30 m apart .

  29. 为了对微加速度计进行静电-机械耦合场分析,利用ANSYS软件及它的编程语言APDL实现了有限元耦合场分析。

    A finite element approach , so called coupled-field analysis , has been developed by ANSYS and APDL to solve the problem of electrostatic-mechanical analysis for micro-accelerometers .

  30. 数字仿真表明:由中等精度的陀螺仪和加速度计以及GPS组成的组合导航系统平台水平误差角小,定位精度高,能够满足重力测量和导航要求。

    Digital simulation shows that the integrated navigation system of moderate precision accelerometers , gyroscopes and GPS , has small platform angle error , high positioning precision and can meet the requirements of gravity measuring and navigation .