
  • 网络Accel World;world
  1. 但它们将加速世界经济再平衡的过程,并降低未来危机爆发的风险&而这正是我们所亟需的。

    But they would speed up needed rebalancing of the world economy and reduce the risk of future crises .

  2. 《全球监测报告》还呼吁加倍努力,加速世界贸易组织的“多哈发展回合”贸易谈判。

    The GMR also calls for redoubled efforts to speed up the Doha Development Round of trade talks at the World Trade Organization .

  3. 全球化不仅改变着世界经济、政治、文化的格局,加速世界的融合与发展,而且对现代价值教育也产生了深远影响。

    Globalization not only changes the economical , political and cultural patterns of the world , but also accelerates the ferment and development of the world . It also deeply impacts the modern value education .

  4. 因此,东亚首脑非正式会晤的举行对推动各国之间的合作,维护地区和全球安全,加速世界向多极化发展,具有重要意义。

    Therefore , the holding of the informal meeting of heads of the countries in eastern Asia possesses important significance in promoting cooperation between all countries , in safeguarding regional and global security , and in accelerating the development towards world multi-polarization .

  5. 中国加入WTO以后,中国经济加速与世界经济融为一体。

    With the accession to WTO , China is accelerating its economic integration with the global economy .

  6. 同时,汽车作为石油消耗源之一,加速了世界石油资源的消耗。

    Meanwhile , it is one of petroleum consuming sources .

  7. 现在,我们是的学习进度是怎么的,伴随着不停加速的世界?

    Now , what 's happened to our pace of learning as the world has accelerated ?

  8. 二十世纪70年代以来,金融创新浪潮席卷全球,加速了世界经济发展和全球化的进程。

    Financial innovation has accelerated the process of the development of world economy and the globalization since 1970s .

  9. 跨国公司对中国的投资对中国产业内贸易的发展产生的正面影响包括:使中国经济加速融入世界分工体系;扩大了中国对外贸易规模。

    The FDI of multinational corporation on China 's intra-industry trade has both positive and negative effects in China .

  10. “世卫组织患者安全”规划的目标是协调、传播并加速改善世界范围内的患者安全问题。

    The programme , WHO Patient Safety , aims to coordinate , disseminate and accelerate improvements in patient safety worldwide .

  11. 汲取其他国家文明的精髓,加速融入世界大集体的步伐.

    to learn from the other countries the cream of their civilization and to further integrate itself into the world community .

  12. 互联网加速了世界经济和文化交流,缩小了人与人之间的距离感,资源的交互性也更强。

    Internet accelerated the world economic and cultural communication between people , narrowed the interactivity of distance , resources and stronger .

  13. 和平与发展的时代潮流推动了经济全球化进程的加速和世界格局多极化趋势的深化。

    The trend of peace and developement 's times has accelerated the course of economic integration , and deepened the world toward multipolarity .

  14. 在社会大分工的背景下,随着区域经济一体化步伐的加速,世界经济全球化趋势的加强,区域物流网络系统化成为区域物流的发展趋势。

    With the integration of the regional economy and globalization of the economy , regional logistics network system becomes a new trend of regional logistics .

  15. 知识经济时代的到来和全球经济一体化进程的加速使得世界高新技术产品市场从广度到深度都发生了巨大的变化。

    Knowledge-based era of accelerating the process of integration into the global economy and the world of high-tech products made from breadth to depth of the market has undergone tremendous changes .

  16. 全球经济一体化的发展,加速了世界各国之间的经济贸易联系,推动了全球运输业尤其是海运运输的发展。

    The development of global economic integration accelerates the economic and trade links among the countries of the world , and promote the global transportation industry especially the development of maritime transport .

  17. 我们需要做出决定,加速全世界的区域增长计划,而营销在发展、支持和执行这些计划中扮演关键角色。

    We need to make decisions to accelerate the Regions ' growth plans around the world , and Marketing plays a crucial role in helping develop , support and execute these plans .

  18. 随着经济全球化的加速,世界的经济格局正在不断的发展和扩张。作为传统和重要的制造业来说,制造成本的竞争力仍然是制造类企业最主要的竞争力之一。

    With the accelerated economic globalization , the worldwide economy situation is developing and expanding , of all the competition , the cost competition is still one of the most important elements for the traditional manufacturing company .

  19. 全球化浪潮的涌现,不仅加速了世界各国不同文化之间的交流,同时也对不同文化间的矛盾和冲突提供了更多的机会和更大的空间。

    The emergence of the wave of globalization , not only accelerate the exchanges between different cultures of the countries in the world , and also provides greater space to the contradictions and conflicts between different cultures .

  20. 在当今世界,随着经济的日益全球化和信息技术革命的加速,世界贸易的飞速发展和国际资本的快速流动将世界经济带入了全球化时代。

    In the world today , along with the economic globalization and the acceleration of the revolution in information technology , the rapid development of world trade and international capital flow bring the world economy fast into the era of globalization .

  21. 随着世界经济一体化、区域经济集团化进程的加速,世界各国各地区近年来明显加快了旅游业区域合作的步伐,尤其以包括亚洲在内的发展中国家最为突出。

    The global and regional economic cooperation organizes grow quickly . With the acceleration of such process , the step of the regional tourism cooperation quicken up obviously . Among them , the development of Asia including China is mostly stand out .

  22. 以经济为主导力量的全球化浪潮带动并加速了世界各民族和国家间的文化交流与融合,从而使象征着民族个性和民族灵魂的文化呈现出全球化趋势与多元化景观。

    The tide of globalization which led by the economy has accelerated cultural exchange and integration between all nations and countries , so that culture which symbolizes the national identity and the national soul , showing a trend of globalization and multiple landscape .

  23. 这种全球经济一体化的趋势加快了世界贸易自由化趋势;加速了世界经济结构的调整,促进了世界经济的发展,同时加速了全球两极分化,增大了全球经济风险。

    The trend of global economic integration has accelerated the trend of world trade liberalization and the restructuring of the world economy , promoted economic development in the world . At the same time the trend of global economic integration accelerated the polarization and the risk of the global economy .

  24. 加速针灸走向世界的有利因素

    Favourable Conditions for Speeding up Acupuncture to serve the world

  25. 来加速中国在世界舞台上的地位。

    For expanding china 's place on the world stage .

  26. 作为手段的法律上加速了生活世界的殖民化。

    Law functioning as means has accelerated the " life world colonization " .

  27. 并加速越南加入世界贸易组织计划的实施。

    And help speed-up plans for Vietnam to join the world trade organization .

  28. 进入20世纪80年代以来,经济全球化进程加速发展,世界经济格局发生了巨大的变化。

    From 1980s , the economic globalization developed much faster , the world economic pattern changed tremendously .

  29. 随着手机游戏的加速普及,世界各地如雨后春笋般涌现出了许多独立游戏开发商。

    With the proliferation of mobile gaming , there 's been a boom in independent game developers around the world .

  30. 当阿泰放屁,科学家们就会恐惧,那些粒子会加速到导致世界末日的到来。

    When Ron Artests farts , scientists fear the particles become so accelerated that it may cause the end of the earth .