
jiā cū
  • Bold;make sth. wider/thicker/etc.
  1. HTML定义了许多元素用来格式化输出,就像加粗或斜体文本。

    HTML defines a lot of elements for formatting output , like bold or italic text .

  2. 整个logo就是用黑色加粗的字母组成公司的名字:Amazon.com,然后在名字下面画了一条黄色曲线并带有箭头而已。

    The company 's name , Amazon.com , in bold black lettering with a simple yellow line curving underneath .

  3. 和SDO相关的部分以加粗字体的形式被显示在Listing1的

    The SDO-related sections are shown in bold below the

  4. FeS2-Fe(Ni,Co)S2系列晶须成分随着晶须加粗有明显变化;

    The component of FeS 2-Fe ( Ni , Co ) S 2 whisker series changes with the thickening of the whiskers .

  5. 这个布局中的黑色加粗方框表示鼠标释放时这个portlet组件所占有的位置和尺寸大小。

    The black-bordered box in the layout indicates the location and size the portlet will take when it is placed .

  6. 注意:加粗的行显示如何在WSDL文件中定义类型和名称空间以与LotusConnectionsportlet进行交互。

    NOTE : The lines in bold show how to define types and namespace to interact with the Lotus Connections portlet in a WSDL file .

  7. 其单叶伸长、加宽和单节的伸长及加粗生长规律遵循Logistic方程,其相关系数大于0.98,达极显著水平。

    Analysis of new sprout and leave growth showed that elongation and broadening of individual leaf and stem section can be simulate by the Logistic equation and the correlation coefficient is more than 0.98.3 .

  8. 结果表明:在不同粒级中C、N含量和分布均随土壤颗粒的加粗而逐渐下降,而C/N比则与此相反。

    The results showed that the C and N contents and their Percentages in the soil organic C and N decreased with the increase of particle size , but the C / N ratio increased with the increase of particle size .

  9. 首先,创建一个加粗的标题、一个用来保存生成的数的空div及一个用来启动整个进程的按钮。

    First , create a simple bold header , an empty div to hold your generated number , and a button that will fire off the entire process .

  10. 根尖显微结构观察结果表明,TCB和NAP对水稻幼苗根系造成的加粗生长主要是由于细胞体积的增加,而细胞数目无明显变化,细胞形状变得不规则。

    Observation on root tip microstructure showed that TCB and NAP increased root thickness , which was mainly due to the increase in cell volume , not due to increase in cell number .

  11. 在MyClass类的Main方法中,存在一个子范围(以加粗文本显示),其中实例化了MyClass类的实例,并调用了其成员操作leak。

    In the main method of the class : MyClass , there is a subscope ( in bold text ) within which an instance of the class : MyClass is instantiated and its member operation : leak is invoked .

  12. SONICHEDGEHOG介导的信号传导通路是血管生成中一个重要调节环节,可调控血管直径加粗、变长和分叉,影响基质细胞分泌众多的血管新生因子以及动脉血管的发生。

    Sonic Hedgehog signaling pathway is an important regulating phase in angiogenesis . Sonic Hedgehog could regulate the length , diameter and branching of vessels . Sonic Hedgehog could act upon interstitial mesenchymal cells to secrete an array of angiogenic growth factors and induce the morphogenesis of arterial vessels .

  13. 将所选内容中的当前局部设为加粗(切换方式)

    Makes the current run in the selection bold ( toggle )

  14. 钢丝绳金属芯加粗量的探讨

    Inquiring into Thickened Value of Metal Core in Steel Wire Rope

  15. 在外部眼角将眼线加粗。

    Make the line thicker as you reach the outer eyelid 。

  16. 印刷技术中指专用铅字面的一种加粗形式。

    In printing , a heavier version of a particular typeface .

  17. 加粗的那一行是所搜索对象的概要链接。

    The bold line is the link to the person 's profile .

  18. 双克氏针交叉固定加粗丝线治疗锁骨粉碎骨折

    Treatment of comminuted fracture of the clavicle with Kirschner wire and suture

  19. 请把这些字母加粗并且用大写字母!

    Please write the message in bold AND CAPITAL LETTERS !

  20. 62%的输入框标题是通过加粗高亮的。

    Titles of the input fields are highlighted bold ( 62 % )

  21. 用于指示通信链路的加粗之字线条。

    Bold zig-zag line used to indicate a communication link .

  22. 在日期选择区中加粗显示的日期代表其包含项目

    Bolded dates in Date Navigator represent days containing items

  23. 加粗的3个部分表示针对这个应用程序进行了调整的参数。

    The three portions in bold represent the parameters tuned for this application .

  24. 激动素和乙烯抑制切段伸长但却促进了它的加粗。

    But the swelling of the segments was promoted by Kn and ethylene .

  25. 加粗的参数必须自动生成。

    The parameters in bold must be generated dynamically .

  26. 第二句加粗斜体的是指令格式。

    Second sentence is the instruction format ( in bold and italic ) .

  27. 例如,可以对关键资源应用加粗格式。

    For example , you can apply bold formatting to a key resource .

  28. 加粗倾斜滚珠轴承,8升油缸。

    Bolder sloped , full roller , eight liters .

  29. 蛋壳一样白,加粗的字体,双浮凸的花纹。

    Eggshell white . Bold lettering . Double embossed .

  30. 第三段加粗的代码用于处理数据库故障转移和连接切换。

    The third bold section contains code for handling database failover and connection switching .