
  1. 我看到新闻说你们那里在下雪,可我只在电视里才看得到雪,所以你下次来的时候,可以给我带几张你们家乡的有特色的照片吗?

    I watched the news said that it snowed in your place , but I only can see the snow On TV , so , could you take me some photos about your hometown characteristics for me when you come here next time ?

  2. 二十世纪初,清末状元张謇致力于家乡近代化办实业兴教育,把南通建成“中国近代第一城”。

    Towards the end of Qing dynasty , devoted himself to the modernizations of his hometown , built nantong " the first city of China in modern times " .