
  1. 首席技术官张建锋(JeffZhang)今年早些时候向分析师们表示,最大的变化是该公司如今能够处理的数据规模(1000PB),相当于大约5800亿册书。

    Jeff Zhang , chief technology officer , told analysts earlier this year that the biggest change was the scope of data - which now tops 1000 PBs , equivalent to about 580bn books - it is able to process .

  2. 张建锋称,该公司已经开始开发了自己的量子处理器,并希望在两到三年内推出真正的量子芯片。

    Zhang said the firm has embarked on developing its own quantum processors , and is looking to roll out a genuine quantum chip in two to three years .

  3. 在杭州举行的阿里巴巴年度云计算会议上,阿里巴巴首席技术官张建锋表示,该公司计划在2019年下半年推出首款自主研发的人工智能干扰芯片“AliNPU”。

    The company plans to launch its first indigenous AI interference chip -- ' AliNPU ' -- in the second half of 2019 , Chief Technology Officer Zhang Jianfeng said at Alibaba 's annual cloud computing conference in Hangzhou .